Chapter 1

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Ever since Augromat was young he had thought that there was something out there. He was a dragon born paladin in training (a dragon born is half dragon half human) He was tall, his golden scales would glisten in the sun, anytime he was near the edge of his town which was located at the east edge of the kingdom of the sun, he would feel called to go into the east woods, but he knew not to go, everyone who went in never came back. He loved helping people, so anytime he would have the chance he would ask anyone he could find if they needed help, it didn't matter if the task was big or small, one time the wheel on a traveler's cart had broken and he had fixed it in record time. If everyone he knew didn't need help, he would go to the town tavern, the village was a really nice but small one it was out to the east, the mayor wanted to keep the peace so he outlawed drugs and alcohol, So at the tavern they served grape juice, the inn was connected to the tavern. The village was at the north east base of a very snowy mountain, so it was easy to get water but every few years the town would flood. So he would accompany the old wizard to his magic tube he called a "telescope" located in the tallest tower, so every year he had to carry the wizard to the top so that he could tell if the town was going to flood, then he would run down the tower to tell everyone then run back up to carry the wizard down, or that's what he used to do. He had asked the wizard about and idea he had, the wizard approved and told the people to dig a barricade so the mountain would never flood the town again.

One day Augromat decided to go to the tavern because he had heard of an expedition being held by the king. The expedition would go into the woods leading to the lands beyond. So many people had arrived, each was promised riches beyond their wildest dreams. Apparently a royal guardsman had fallen through the floor of the castle and into an ancient ruin, inside there were pictures depicting an ancient legend that most people thought was just a story, it depicted riches, and a prospering land, the land was the most technologically advanced, apparently compared to today it still would be far ahead of its time, there was a large part missing but when it picked back up more and more monsters where showing up, night is lasting longer and longer, depriving the crops of the precious sunlight that they need to grow, soon they left the land and supposedly ventured into the area that became the kingdom of the sun, then again those who said that they were so close to finding the treasure, went into the woods which is supposedly the way that they came. "The people who go into the woods are never seen again, ever since the legend existed people have been going into the woods" Augromat thought "but then again they always go alone, we're in a really big group, we are like an unstoppable army! So we'll be safe". He jumped when someone slammed their fist on the table and shouted in a deep and gravelly voice "WHAT ABOUT THE GOLD?!" realising that the person leading the expedition had already started explaining everything, he paid attention "right.. I was getting to that" said the captain of the royal guard "you will be together in groups, each person in the group will have something that they are good at, each partner ship will have at least one form of the following: warrior.... Assassin..... and mage, we will meet outside at dawn.

Augromat arrived in a massive field south of the town, tents were being set up, training equipment, which there was very little of, was being unpacked along with rations, and books, augromat came to the tent of the captain of the royal guard where two royal guards stood, he went to one of the royal guards and asked where he should be, out stepped a tall, strong man who had dark skin, he wore armor, and was just the guy that you knew would help anyone he could, he tried to make people the best they could be, and he would try to protect those who he thought needed it. "So I overheard that you would like to join." The Captain said studying him " You don't look that strong, or fast. Your a dragonborn right?" Augromat responded with "That is correct sir." "I like the soldier mentality. there are some people who could learn a thing or two from you. your in, besides we might need a dragonborn." Augromat was assigned a group and was told to meet with them outside tent number 1258. He did what he was told and went. When he arrived he asked "Hello? Is this group #1258?" "That depends" said a voice coming from behind the tent, then a giant goldfish wearing a crown and a cloke stepped out from behind the tent and continued "Who's asking? The names Tom, Tom the Goldfish king and assassin. This here's Bardy The Bard The Brains of the Beginning of this here adventure." "okay...?" Agromat said "anyway, we have about 5 minutes to get to training. Captain's orders." "The Captain is a pansy with no mind of his own, I sure learned as much when I made the foolish decision Signing that DARN CONTRACT!" Tom said "I've tried to break out of here about i, duno..." he stopped to think "quite a few times now, most of which were so unsuccessful I got scars from them" he showed Agromat his fin which had two nasty scars, "that's not the worst part." he said as he showed his other fin. It had a Burn mark, and a large hole, just big enough to put five arrows through it or a spear "I should have never gone into those old trees" he Muttered. Augromat fell silent and went bug eyed. A few uncomfortable minutes of staring at each other passed before Augromat came back to reality "let me help you with your fin, I Have an idea." they went into the tent and Augromat took a candle and, without even trying, breathed intense white fire on it, almost completely melting it. "Yep this will work (Or it could melt your fin off)" Augromat said (Part of it under his breath) "What was that?" Tom said "Nothing!" Augromat said "Here is a stick to bite down on just in case, Barty can you cast a sleep spell, or a pain numbing spell?" "maybe, i'll try, but don't you have to be a qualified doctor to perform this kind of operation?" Barty said "Probably but I'm sure that it will be fine." Augromat responded. Barty paused for a bit to think of what tune to play before starting. The tune was soft and sweet, Augromat plugged his ears and Tom fell asleep. Augromat softly spoke to Barty "please leave, this could get ugly." Barty got the hint and left the tent. As the sound of Augromat breathing fire came from it, followed by the screams of tom echoing out and the tent lighting on fire. Tom rushed out partially on fire, screaming in panic, as he jumped in the moat, he came up out of the water and muttered a sentence in abyssal "Don't swear while i'm around!" Agromat called to Tom, all swear words come from the language "Abyssal", people from dark planes of existence speak it. Tom immediately started swimming out of the moat as alligators snapped at him "ooh, OUCH! In my head the 'Gators were a good idea." Augromat said "I'll go get the doctor.". A few days later tom had made a full recovery, he went up to Augromat and Punched him in the face "That's for setting me on fire, without my permission, if you would have asked then i would have probably been fine with it." then he gave augromat three gold coins "That's for fixing my fin, and restoring my ability to swim.'' Augromat looked at the coins, smiled, then realized where they probably came from "Who's gold is this?!" Augromat said to Tom "It's mine." Tom responded as he walked away, Augromat sighed in relief. "Well... Most of it is mine." Tom called back.

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