Fake News (Conclusion)

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(Warning: This story contains inappropriate language).

 The world wasn’t the same anymore. Every single plant and tree there was in the world was destroyed. A lot of animals are now extinct, and many people died at a young age. And that was mainly because of the environment. It was hard for most people to breath now. Is that some sort of consequence the world got when I travelled back in time? Or did society stop giving a shit about the environment these past few months? I wasn’t sure, but I didn’t care regardless, because the atmosphere didn’t affect me. I became stronger and I don’t have to breath anymore. I wasn’t sure how, but this automatically happened when I fled Hell. Is that one of the Chosen One’s abilities? I asked myself. It had been hours since I fled Hell, and I got a new robotic arm. And I only had one mission since I fled Hell: to erase society and the entire earth. I only needed the Dragon Disk-- a disk that’s yellow that’s able of erasing anything the user wants, as if it was a regular eraser erasing pencil marks. The Dragon Disk was located here, in the Valley of Peace. (I have learned this information when I teamed up with the dragon and hacked the military base). The only conflict was that I didn’t know the Dragon Disk’s exact location, but at least I have an idea where it is though. And that’s the only thing that matters thus far! I spent hours looking for it. It was getting dark and I grew tired of looking for the Dragon Disk. Where could that mother fucker be? This village was a small place, it shouldn’t be so hard to find, I thought. Then I saw my brother exiting my house, and I notice that the Dragon Disk was inside the house, as he opened the door to leave the place. “Mario?” he said when he saw me. I could tell he was shocked when he saw me by his voice. “Who’s Mario? I am Santa Claus,” I said sarcastically. “How did you escape Zombie Crush! and, er, jail too?” he asked me, still surprised at my new form. “Don’t act like you care! Those ‘heroes’ in the game Zombie Crush! killed me, and you where like, ‘Who the fuck cares about Mario? He was an asshole, a cunt, a son of a bitch!’ I spent months-- maybe a year-- searching for you, and that’s how you treat me? Me!” I replied, and my brother looked at me, shocked by my response. “What the--” I interrupted him, saying, “The genie gave me a mirror, and I used it to spy on you! I bet you didn’t know that, did you?” Then I grabbed a missile launcher and aimed it at him. “Don’t do anything stupid, Mario,” my brother said, while he was having a mini panic attack. “Goodbye,” I murmured. “Bitch what?” my brother said. I pushed the trigger, and the entire place was destroyed, and my brother was killed. I knew the Dragon Disk was safe, and I walked on top of the ashes of the house. I saw it and grabbed it. I walked away.

*                     *                      *

I entered the military base-- the same one me and the king of the dragons were a few months ago. Finally, every enemy I had was killed. No stupid dragons seemed to be alive, and my master scheme was actaully going to succeed. I was excited. It felt like it was Christmas morning and I was approaching my presents, ready to open them. And once I destroy the earth, I’ll reign as king-- or as a god-- in my new universe, which I’ll create using the Dragon Disk. I entered the building, and surprisingly, it looked exactly the  same as  it did before. This place must be indestructible, I thought, as I walked around the place. Most of the building in the area was destroyed so that's mostly why I was surprised. I passed by the room where the dragon king and Johnny fought. You know, the room that had the weird security feature. I entered the weapon room, and it was the best looking room I saw in the entire building. It had numerous weapons, too. It was best to start my ultimate scheme in. As I walked around the place, however, I noticed holes in the ceiling. I sighed. Where they really that lazy to fix the ceiling? I thought. Then, gun bullets started shooting out of them. It made a huge noise each time a bullet came out. It sounded like an exploding bomb. I made a forcefield around myself as I ran out of the room. No wonder this place is abandoned, I thought. It has too many unpredictable security features. Staying here is like commiting suicide. So I decided to find a new place to stay in while I begin my scheme. But where? I was still running as I left the military base. Then I tripped over something. I picked myself up and I saw a UFO right before me. The UFO was small, however. The height of the UFO was from the floor to my knees, and I am not very tall myself. How did this thing get here, anyway? I thought. Then the UFO flew a few centimetres off the ground and then was dropped. I personally didn’t think too much about the UFO, because it was most likely broken anyway, considering that it immediately dropped a few seconds after flying. I continued walking and the UFO immediately began chasing me and it hovered over me, second after I noticed it. A tracker beam was shot at me, making me enter the UFO. “What the…” I whispered. The inside of the UFO was ironically huge. I was in a hallway in between numerous rooms. Then a blue alien the size of an average baby approached me. It looked like one of those Kraang things from the Ninja Turtles, but it had eight long legs similar spiders. “Who the hell are you?” I asked him. “I am the king of the alien race… the Lords,” he replied. The Lords? These things are called Lords? They are monsters… insects maybe… But not lords, I thought. “Okay, what the fuck do you want?” I asked, more annoyed than anything else. “We found out that you are the Chosen One, and we need you to help us end the Dragon Wars. Will--” I interrupted him. “Your bullshing! The king of the dragons were killed, and ergo, that ended the Dragon Wars. Don’t try to tell me otherwise, because I was there witnessing it.” “You are correct,” he began, “but there’s a new king of the dragons. You see, my troops and the dragons were enemies for thousands of years. The dragons wanted to protect the world and there kind from danger; we however, wanted to conquer the world because it was the largest planet we could find. The dragons, discovering our plans, battled us, causing a major war in the process. The war began a few months ago, when the new king of the dragons were creating more troops by laying eggs-- and yes, the dragons eggs hatches within an hour. And dragons grew pretty fast as a result. We were looking for the Chosen One ever since, because only that person can summon a powerful creature--whom can be controlled by the Dragon Disk-- which will help us destroy the dragons. And, during our battle, the environment went to shit because of the gasses we used on the dragons,” he explained. “Well, how do we summon this powerful creature?” I asked him. “You’ll need the four rings of thunder,” he answered, quicker than I expected. “Thanks for the information, but I am leaving,” I announced after a moment of silence. “Oh, come on. Allow me to assist,” he protested. I instantly froze him using my ice gun and walked away.

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