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Wilbur looked up at the time, guitar in his hands while his crossed legs rested gently against the bed under him. 'Have i really played through the night?' He asked himself.

He peered down at himself. He had gotten hot in the middle of the night and,took off his shirt. And had failed to put one on before dawn.

He grabbed a yellow jumper and stretched. He slowly stood, walking across the main part of the upstairs and into the bathroom. He stared at around his collar where the sun had made a defined line on his skin where his,chest hadnt seen the light. His eyes scanned his torso, the figure in the mirror resembling what he didnt want to be.

He was displeased at how pale and skinny he was. He slid the jumper over his head, watching it fall down around his waist. The sleeves were a bit long, but he could manage.

He walked downstairs, hand running along the railing. His mom was upstairs, waking up still and getting dressed.

It was 7AM. School would start here soon.

Once he got down, he didnt bother to eat, shrugging it off. Maybe at lunch. He stared at the counter, listening to his mother come downstairs "Good morning, Wilbur," she smiled at him

"Morning, mum." He turned the coffee pot on and moved to the other side of the counter out of her way.

"Did you eat yet?" She asked her child, who had a history of skipping meals repeatedly. "Yes, mum. I washed my dish too," he lied, watching his mother smile. He hated lying, but in the morning he really didnt like to eat. Or in the afternoon for thst matter. He hoped his mother didnt catch on to the inconsistency of his statement.

"Good. You got your bag packed?" She asked him. He nodded "its on the floor," he gestured to the backpack by the back door.

"Alright, would you be a dear and stsrt the car?" She handed him the keys. He stepped outside onto the icy stairs. He held onto the railing so he didnt fall and made his way out to the car, openinng the drivers side and turning on the car with the key. It stsrted. He shut the door and let it run for a bit to warm up.

He started to walk inside when, a huge gust of wind hit him, almost knocking him over. He held his arms out out and gained his balance. He gook a few steps, then slid backwards onto the ice, hitting the back of his head "Shit!" He shouted, rolling over onto his stomach,holding his head with his hands.

He removed his hands from his head and saw blood covering them. His eyes widened, panic rushed through his body. He got up and waddled inside and up to his room, grabbing a beanie and sliding it over his head so some of his hair was peeking out.

'Practically invisible' he thought, walking downstairs "im ready to go, mum." He said, grabbinng his bag off the floor and hoisting it over his shoulder. They both walked out to the car and he was driven to school

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Wilbur stepped out of the car "bye, mum," he walked into the school, hoping to find the friend he made yesterday. He plopped down at the breakfast table, watching two of his friends, tommy and charlie, sit down across from him

"Morning, wilbur," tommy said. He was friends with tommy in england, and they both came here together on the same flight at 6. They talked for hours annoying their mothers.

Wilbur looked up, seeing his friend he made yesterday "Schlatt!" He recalled his,name from memory, gesturing for schlatt o come sit with them.

He looked over, seeing teo random strangers with Wilbur. Instead of sitting with his normal group, he decided to sit with them. He carried his food over to Wilbur, sitting diwn next to him.

"How was your.... are you alright?" He looked at wilburs head "yeah, why do you ask?"

"Your heads a lil..red. are you bleeding?" Wilbur turned his head away so thst schlatt couldnt see thr stain anymore "i havent washed this beanie for a few days, i got paint on it," he lied, laughing s bit."

Tommy leaned forward "whose this lad?" He asked wilbur.

"Ah, of course. Charlie, tommy, this is schlatt. Schaltt, tommy and charlie."

Charlie waved silently, busy eating his food that the,school,had provided them which, fir such low quality, was honestly disgusting.

"Charlie doesnt talk during breakfast," Wilbur whispered to jschlatt.

" 'Schlatt'?" Tommy laughed at the rediculous sounding name "are you from russia?" He laughed

Schlatt sighed "No. My name is johnathan, but my friends call me jschlatt or schlatt." Tommy rolled his eyes "whatever," he shrugged "wilbur never eats breakfast," he said fake annoyedly.

"I do sometimes, at my house, not around you two," he turned to schlatt "im sorry about him. Hes a child." Schlatt chuckled "i hate children," he joked.

"Uh, anyways, sometime, would--" wilbur said, being interrupted by the breskfast bell which indicated for them to leave breakfsst and stat school. Tommy and charlie left together, schlatt lingered with Wilbur "you were saying,," he said patiently

"Yeah, uh, if you wanted we could go do something. Go to this really cook sotre called the dutchmans, they have like every flavor of everything there."

Jschlatt put a hand on his shoulder "alright. Ill let you take me there sometime, okay?"

Wilbur looked at the slightly shorter man ,nodding "alright. This weekend work with you?"
Schlatt nodded "yeah, im free all weekend" wilbur smiled "great, illll..text you then?" He handed him a pre written folded piece of paper.

"Yeah- ill text you when i get home." He pocketed the,number and waved goodbye to Wilbur.

[AN: hey guys,, so im really excited to continue this book because i have so many planSsS!

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