"Andddd that concludes this weeks video guys! Thanks for watching as always, and if you haven't already pleaseeee subscribe to my channel or not whatever, haha okay see you soon, adios." I said shutting off my camera with a sigh.

I should probably introduce myself ...

Helloooo my name is Francesca bean Collins, but everyone calls me Frances so call me Frances.

I am eighteen years old and I'm a YouTuber!

Not to sound too up myself or anything but I'm actually a pretty known YouTuber.

I have ten million subscribers- which took me forever to build up, but I'm thankful- who I call my little beans.

My middle name is bean and I don't know I kind of just started calling them beans so ya.

Im not a beauty guru or any of that shit- no offense to beauty gurus but that's just not my ... thing.

I mostly just do rant videos, reviews on albums/ songs, bands, talk about concerts I've been to, and sometimes, on occasion, I'll do covers.

I play the guitar and sing. Well I like to sing, I don't think I'm that great but my beans seem to disagree.

Um what else... oh! My father passed away when I was around four. I barely remember him but from what I can remember, he was an amazing man.

I live with my mom and step dad, who I love as if he were my real dad, and my step brother, who as well I love as if he were my real brother.

My mom and "dad" got married about four years ago so yeah. I was the maid of honor. It was cool.

I decided I should start on editing my video which was a cover of demons by imagine dragons.

Editing my videos takes a while, mainly because I spend half the time screwing around.

After about 2-3 hours of editing, I posted the video and sent a tweet out letting everyone know it was up, and shut my laptop.

I stood up from my computer desk chair and cracked my back in the process.

"Ohhh that felt so good" I groaned cracking my neck.

I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket.

I took it out, reading the caller id noticing it was my best friend, amber.

"Hey bitch" I answered falling onto my bed.

"Heyyyy whatcha doing?" She asked.

"Nothing much. Just finished editing a video" I replied chipping my black nail polish on my thumb finger.

"Ohhh well wanna go get some lunch? I'm hella hungry" she suggested with a giggle.

I groaned sitting up, "please stop saying 'hella' it's almost as annoying as saying, af"

She laughed and we agreed to meet at McDonalds.

I hung up the phone and grabbed my converse slipping them on and putting my blonde shoulder length hair in a messy bun.

I was already dressed in a pair of black skinnys and a VIDCON shirt from last year so I didn't bother changing.

I grabbed my car keys and told my mom where I was going before walking out the door to my car.

I turned the radio on and she looks so perfect by 5 seconds of summer started playing.

I Fucking love these guys. Thank you amber for obsessing over Calum because I would have never even bothered to look them up if she never would have shut up about them.

Michaels da bae doe.

God I hate the word bae... and doe.

I sang along to the music as I neared the McDonald's.

Just because I'm that dedicated, I sat in the car till the song ended.

I finally got out and walked into the fast food place where I immediately spotted amber.

"Hey" I said sitting down in the booth, as she handed me my food she ordered for me.

We tight like that.

"Ello" she replied munching on a fry, "so what's up?" she asked.

I shrugged biting into my chicken wrap.

"What's up with you?" I asked back, taking a sip of my coke, washing down the food.

"Nothing... so did you get the boys album?" Amber asked with wide eyes.

I took a big bite out of my wrap then slammed it onto the table and rolled my eyes to the back of my head groaning (POSSESSED!!! Actually my reaction after listing to the album tbh)

"So ill take that as a yes?.." Amber Asked looking around slowly as people stared at my mini exorcism.

"Yessss" I said with a dramatic sigh "you did get it too right?" I asked with wide eyes.

In a split second her eyes widened to the size of golf balls and she stared at me gob smacked.

"Who do you think you are?" She scuffed.

"Uh" I stared back

"OF COURSE I GOT THE FUCKING ALBUM DICK HEAD" she yelled in defense causing more people to look over.
(This actually happened with me and my friend)

I laughed as we finished off the rest of our food.

"I'll see you later?" She asked as we walked back to our cars.

"Yup tomorrow?" I asked slipping on my sunglasses to block the sun obviously.

"Kay kay" she chirped happily.

I laughed waving bye as I got back into my car driving off back to my house.

When I got home my parents and brother were watching a movie in the living room.

"Hola mama y papa y uhhh brother" I chuckled throwing myself on top of my brother Jason.

He was two years older but he acted like he was ten half the time.

"Hola sister" he laughed.

"Watcha guys watching?" I asked.

"Avengers. Wanna watch?" My dad replied.

"Uhhhh nah actually I think I'm gonna go take a nap, I am beat from all that editing." I yawned standing up.

"Okay sweetie, I left some pasta in the fridge if you get hungry again" my mom said munching on some pop corn.

I said thanks and walked up stairs to my room plopping down on my bed with a sigh.

I didn't even bother to take my shoes off because I immediately fell into a deep sleep.


First chapterrrrrr the boys come in the next one!!! It gets better I swear!

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