Chapter 4

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Landen helped me crawl out of the mess that I've made. He moved all of the weight of the building off of me that I thought he was gonna pass out from not being experienced with this stuff before but he didn't. We fall to the ground together as he holds me in his arms, assuring himself that I'm safe.

We laid there for an awfully long time that I was beginning to think that he actually did pass out. So I look up at him and I was right. He's unconscious.

I sigh as I roll over on my back. Thank goodness. I didn't know what to do when he pulled me out of there.

I try to get back up but my injury's take me back down. I heal myself though and end up standing on my feet again. I survey the mess that's upon me. The whole building has collapsed, I'm full of dirt and Landen has saved me two times already when I expressively told him not to. I hate being saved.

I contemplate on wether I should heal him and wake him up or let him sleep, take him home and try to explain what happened to him when he asks tomorrow at school. Or maybe I should make him think that this was just all a dream.

I groan at the sky. "What am I supposed to do!?" I yell my question but sadly no one answers.

I look at Landen. He's a mess. His hair sticking out randomly, all his clothes filled with dust. Even his shoes, that I could tell were brand new.

I rub my eyes in frustration as I come to a conclusion. I know exactly what to do.
I might regret this later but I bend down and slap him. I slap him once, twice and then a third time just for good measure. His eyes fly open on the first slap so the second and third slap were kind of unnecessary. Either way he deserves it.

His hands caress his face as he sits up. "Ow! What the fuck, Florance?" He glances at me in pain.

I smile innocently. Ignoring the name he just called out because that for sure as hell ain't my name. "You passed out on me. Get up." I motion for him to get up and he does. But he wobbles and almost falls back down. I grab on to him, holding him steady.

"You okay?" I question.

He snaps at me. "I'm fine." But he grabs onto me too. "Are you okay? Nothing hurting from the fall? No bruises?"

I shake my head. "It's a miracle that that beam didn't crush my ribs." I'm not really lying. My ribs didn't break but I still got hurt. Not that he needs to know that though.

He lets out a breath of relief. "That's good. Now, let's get you out of here."

I hold on to him firmly as our feet lift of the ground and we start to zoom past the trees. Only when we reach our town we fall mid drift and land with a hard thump. I go tumbling as Landen falls in the other direction. I start coughing as I begin to stand up, glancing over at Landen.

His nose is bleeding. He's exhausting his powers too much. I walk over to him as he wipes his nose. "This hasn't happened before."
He's in shock. I should've healed him first before I woke him up. Then this wouldn't be happening.

I kneel beside him and take out a tissue from my back pocket that wasn't there before and hand it to him. He takes it. "I shouldn't have woken you up. You used your powers too much."

I place my hand on his back and transfer my energy to him.

He suddenly stands up to the new found strength that he's feeling. "No. I feel fine, come on."

He moves to grab me but I stop him. "You can make it home from here and so can I so let's just go our separate ways," I pause for a bit. "When you get home you should take a nap or something. I'll see you at school tomorrow." I wave at him as I start to head off to my house. I look back and see that he's still in shock but after a few seconds he starts to walk away from me. Heading to his home too.

When I see him totally disappear into the mounds of the buildings, I stop walking and take a few gasps of air. I squat down for awhile, hands on my legs. "My ice cream is gone, my hideout has crumbled and Landen is apparently my hero." I smack my hand on my head over and over again, wishing that the warehouse actually did kill me. "And still I have to go to school tomorrow and face him."

I shake my head as I teleport from somewhere random in the city to my safe and sound bedroom. I take out my phone glance at the time, 6:00, and throw it on my bed.

My parents will come back from work any minute now so I quickly take a shower and pretend like I totally wasn't just in a 911 worthy emergency situation. I put on my pajamas because I don't plan on doing anything else but eat, cuddle with my cat and watch tv for the rest of the night.

Landen owes me an ice cream cone.


It's Wednesday now. Half way through the week. Darcy bullies me as per usual with her squad backing her up. Other then that everything was normal throughout the entire day until I got a pass to see the principal. The pass got me out of study hall which means I didn't get to see Landen that much.

I make my way down to the principals office as I pass by Dustin. I quickly avert my eyes. Not wanting to cause any trouble. Neither of us say a word as we walk our separate ways. I near the office, wondering what I did wrong. I walk into the main office and direct myself to the principals personal office where I find the nurse, Mrs. Green, arguing with Principal Shaw. I stand in the doorway not wanting to interrupt them and wait patiently until there done. I hear their whole conversation.

They say something about how Mrs. Shaw's son got into trouble and how he's badly beaten up. Mrs. Shaw wants him to be healed now but Mrs. Green's healing powers can't instantly heal a person. She says it'll take a week for him to fully heal with his condition.

They go on and on about this topic and they obviously don't see me standing there so I clear my throat to get their attention. They both snap there heads in my direction but neither of them look embarrassed that I heard their conversation. Maybe I was called down because of this reason or maybe I actually did do something horrible and that's why I'm here now but either way I can help her son. I can help him heal in seconds.

Mrs. Shaw motions for Ms. Green to leave. "We'll talk about this later, Mrs. Green."
Mrs. Green looks like she wants to say something more but doesn't instead she simply exists the room. I walk inside and stop in front of her desk. Mrs. Shaw knows about my powers. It's one of the main reasons that I got into this school. So I don't even hesitate to say, "I can heal your son."

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