Chapter 6

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Welp, I talked to her. After she came home from her volleyball practice and she made a HUGE fit about it. We even had a family meeting cuz I also told her that mom and dad new about it. And let me tell you, the meeting was not fun.......... at all.

There was a bunch of screaming and threatening to be grounded and Nava even 'accidentally' broke a vase. It was funny to watch mostly Nava and mom argue there heads off and I just peacefully watched while my dad sipped his tropical drink like we're on some kind of vacation. He seriously went up to make a piña colada and sat back to watch the show. Maybe I also should've gotten up to get something. Like popcorn.

To be honest the fight was giving me a headache and by the time I went to bed my head was full on throbbing the next morning. I didn't really want to go to school but I was forced too. Nava didn't want go to school either. Yet we went cuz it's school and nothing ever exciting happens so I thought that I would be able to relax and soothe my head back to normal but boy was I wrong.

Somehow everyone knew about our fight.

Instantly when we walked in absolutely everyone was staring at us like we were some kind of animals in a zoo. It was embarrassing and plain out humiliating. More people were talking to Nava about how she was gonna destroy me. No one, not a fucking single soul thought I was gonna win. Not even Landen.
No one talked to me the whole day. They all were to busy talking behind my back. And again not even Landen wanted to talk to me. Somehow, I managed to become more of a freak and I didn't even do anything. Life's funny like that.

It brings you down and when you think nothing can get worse.

I manage to go through the whole day without roasting anyone alive despite being very tempted. Dustin and Darcy were snickering more then usual and didn't have a chance to bully me. If you call snickering and giving dirty looks my way not bullying. When it became 6th period (aka my fighting class) everyone was staring at my training like vultures staring down there food. I didn't actually train though which is why they were probably staring. I was kind of working out instead and goofy around.

I was working out when the teacher looked my way but then when he looked away again I was wildly dancing to my music on my headphones.

I wasn't even trying. Not that I needed to.

Whilst everyone thought I was going to be brutally defeated, I knew that I was gonna win. I trained all my life, especially without my powers. A good warrior always trains herself for the unexpected to happen. They always think ahead. And that's what I've been doing all my life. I'm always 50,000 steps ahead no matter what. People may underestimate me. They may think I'm goofy or selfish but that just means they don't truly know me. That they don't know what I'm capable of.

Then after my fighting class and English I finally approached the inside of my last class.

Study hall.

The infamous Landen Jaye is already seated when I walk in the room. His head arches up to look at me. I stare back with no expression on my face as I take my seat all the way on the other side of the classroom. His friend comes in then. He also takes his seat which is behind Landen. Landen turns around and talks to him for awhile until the bell rings and class gets started. Like usual in all my study halls, I read.

But after awhile of complete silence I contemplate on whether I should mess with Landen for a bit.

A wicked smile grows on my lips as I whisper a few words just so only Landen can hear them. "Pssst. Landen. Can you hear me?"

Landen's head slowly comes up. He quickly glances around the room in confusion but then puts his head down like he didn't hear anything.

I whisper again. "I repeat, can you hear me? Over."

He smiles, knowing that he can definitely hear me.

"Testing, testing. 1, 2, 3. Landen over." I silent chuckle making sure no one can hear me but him.

He looks at me as if ready to speak but he just nods his head. He probably thinks that I wouldn't be able to hear him because of him thinking I have no powers.

But I reassure him. "It's okay. You can speak. I can read lips."

He looks shocked and impressed at the same time but I can tell he's trying hard not to show it. He mouths 'Hi sisters, my name's James Charles.'

I try really heard not to burst into laughter as I respond to him. "Did you just say James Charles?"

He grins. 'Just making sure you can actually read lips.'

All I do is shake my head. Smiling like a child because his grin is contagious. "Well now you know. That's like my only superpower."

'No wonder why you got into this school, for a second I thought you were actually powerless.' He jokes.

"My power's better then yours."

He turns to me in such a casual way that you wouldn't be able to know that he's actually talking to someone in class. 'I agree. What would be your superhero name if you were one?' He thinks for a moment and then comes up with a ridiculous name for me. 'Grimm Lipper.'

This time I do end up laughing but it wasn't a silent laugh. Everyone stares at me and the teacher glares at me to be silent. I whisper a sorry to Mr. Burke and look back at my book and pretend to read.

When everyone has stopped looking at me I speak to Landen while still pretending to read. "I hate you." I joke.

Honestly it wasn't true at all. Although he didn't talk to me all day I don't blame him. He's not obligated to talk to me. And I'd rather stay away from his kind. I don't want to get mixed up with Bella or anything.

He smiles warmly. 'I'd hate myself too.'

I don't know what that means but he stares at me while he says it. Directly into my eyes.

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