Chapter 7

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Ugh. I need to use my powers. I can't just hold back for the whole year. I need a place to be myself. I need a vacation. It's been another week so far and I've completely gone insane. It's only been two weeks of school and I need to free myself from human oxygen. I don't like feeling vulnerable. And spending my days trying to be human is actually giving me a headache and I need a break. I haven't even used my powers since that one night when my hideout collapsed. I also haven't mind jumped with Vaston yet.

But I need something bigger. Something that'll take my mind off the edge of school so I can relax for the rest of the school year. Something fresh and light warming. Should I visit some of my alien friends? Or maybe I should go to Farsés. A planet so beautiful that you can't even describe in words how gorgeous it is.
No, my mom would never go for it. I need a place to be alone and she would never let me go to a planet by myself. I should find a place here instead. A place where no one ever goes, well besides my currently corrupted warehouse. Should I find another building? No buildings aren't relaxing.

There were some woods not too far from my warehouse maybe I should explore them. I'll do that first thing tomorrow after school ends this weekend. Alright I guess it's a date. A date in the woods.


To be honest I already had planned my journey to the woods before I even decided to go. But it's not like I have anything better to do though, school is so boring. I practically zoned out the whole time I was in fifth period. Didn't even realize when my fighting teacher came up to me. "Haven, why aren't you practicing for your showdown?"

He continued talking. Dragging on and on about how it's my final grade for the test and how it's so important if I want to get into a college and blah blah blah blah blah blah. Bleh.
His ranting is making my headache go from a mild containable level to an irritating explosion level. It's really annoying how much teachers engage into lectures when they don't know the other half of the story. But at least this lecture ends and he gives me enough time to respond to him. "I'm sorry Mr. Blah, I mean Mr. Shines but I'm not feeling good. I just needed to sit down for awhile. I didn't know that I was spacing out." I stand to put on some boxing gloves. "I'm fine now. Don't worry."

He crosses his arms together. "Are you sure? People like you should always be careful about this stuff. You suffer for no reason when we can help you." I swear I even think I heard him mutter "your kind is so stubborn and ungrateful."

I want to get all up in his face and scream that he's an arrogant son-of-a-prick but I know his routine. He's despised humans since I could remember. Technically he's also human and part of my 'kind' but he doesn't see it that way.

To him supers and earthlings are different. His wife murdered herself and he hasn't grieved the healthy way. Instead he blames us because his wife was a human and she was weak and couldn't mentally handle living through the troubles of life but the real reason that she did it was because she wasn't happy with her family. Her family is to blame and it really sucks Mr. Shines hasn't noticed it. Truly I don't understand people or supers. Even there names are weird.

Mr. Shines? Like really? What kind of name is that? He doesn't look all shiny to me and full of rays and sunshine. He looks like a piece of shit that's ruining his own godamn life. It's pathetic but hearty at the same time.

I ignore his false statement and start taking a swing at my punching bag when I almost hit Mr. Shines in the process. I don't really want to apologize to him, it was on purpose. I want to stand my ground and show him I'm not to be pushed around but I put my street face on and look all innocent. "I'm so sorry. Did I get you!?"

Mr. Shines recovers himself and acts like he's been brutally slapped in the face. "Go to the nurses office and stay there for the rest of my class." His tone is firm.

I nod and quickly head out to meet the nurse as I whisper another sorry to Mr. Shines. Even though he doesn't hear me and my sorry is laced unapologetically.

I reach the office but hide behind a corner pondering on wether I should peer in or wonder the halls until my next class. Soon after footsteps are heard from where I stand. I could hear their voices argue with one another.

Instantly I recognized them as Bella and Landen their voices carry out to me even though they were a little ways from the office. Luckily no one was in the hallways to expose my hiding spot or to hear Landen and Bella whisper yelling at each other's throats.

One part of me doesn't want to eavesdrop on this toxic conversation but the other half of me loves taking in information. I guess you could say I'm always curious so I peaked my head out from the corner and saw shadowed figures arguing. I could hear every word they spat out of their mouths. Lovers quarrel.

"I'm tired of reassuring you, Bella. I wouldn't cheat on you. We've been together forever. Why would I want to break that up?"

"Lily confessed to me that you slept with someone the first time we became official."

"That happened years ago and we were on a break that time. I didn't know we were gonna get back together."

"So you were just gonna keep lying to me and never tell me the truth!? This isn't a healthy relationship, Landen. You never even cared about me! And you have a fan club practically balling at your feet! I bet you slept with one of them too. Or that other girl, Haven."

"What are you talking about? I've never met a girl named Haven! Can we just forget about this and talk about it after school!?"

I watch as Landen try's to grab Bella's arm but she jerks away. "You're lying to me again, Landen. I've had enough of this. You aren't worth it." She shakes her head and runs off into the girl's bathroom leaving a stunned Landen in her mists.

I'm stunned too. I mean they've been on and off for a while now because of there useless arguments but nothing of their past arguments compared to this. This was more intense but I didn't stick around to find anymore intense drama. Instead I cut through the other end of the hallway and headed for the downstairs bathroom since Bella's in the upstairs. It crosses my mind that maybe I should tend to Bella's needs but I figured, since I was mentioned in the argument and since Landen still doesn't know my name, I would just make matters worse. And like I said before, no drama this year. I mean it.

The bell rings after awhile and I walk to my next class. Archery. I love that class. It's my favorite compared to English. Then after that class I have biology and then finally study hall.

Landen and his friend weren't in study hall this time. Apparently they ditched school. The news about their breakup hasn't been mentioned yet but I'm sure by Monday the gossip would've spread like wild fires and everyone will know.

Time fly's and school ends leaving me at my house. I have no idea how long I'm gonna be staying in the woods but I wait until its 7 so I can eat and tell my parents that I'm going out. I come up with an excuse about how Nava and I are gonna hangout but really she's at her boyfriends house and I'm going to explore the woods. They buy into it and soon enough I'm headed towards the woods. I also picked a few snacks to bring along the way just in case I get hungry again.

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