Name" ~ BlackJay
Gender ~ Male
Age ~ 20 Moons
Rank ~ Medicine Cat
Crush ~ MoonStar, actually. xD
Mate ~ Nope. Forbidden.
Kits ~ Forbidden, ;-;
Clan ~ DarkClan~~
Appearance ~ BlackJay is a handsome, lanky tom with a thin black pelt laced in black stripes. His chest, and underbelly, are a lighter dark, almost grey, and as his tail-tip. His eyes are a rather beautiful shade of amber, and his nose pink.
Personality ~ BlackJay disapproves of his Clan's nature. He hates the fact that they live with such harsh rules, and he especially hates the fact that DarkClan hates MoonClan. BlackJay is fierce, scolding, calm, kind, and overall helpful. His heart aches for MoonStar, yet his heart lys with DarkClan. An additional piece to his personality is his defiance to hatred and sorrow. He can't stand emotions when they hurt.~~
History ~ BlackJay was born and raised in DarkClan, Mothered by SoftLighting, and Fathered by DarkStare. He was born beside MouseKit, His Brother. He was at first mentored by DarkStar to be a Warrior, but turned to Medicine Cat ship when he hated seeing his ClanMate's injured. He also states that he hates fighting, as it is unnecessary. BlackJay's parents eventually died to Greencough, and MouseBlood and BlackJay moved into The stage where they'd earn their Full names. BlackJay does not understand why MouseBlood requested the suffix 'blood', but his Brother seemed to enjoy blood spilling over his paws...
Parents ~ SoftLighting and DarkStare((Both Deceased))
LitterMate ~ MouseBlood~~
Theme Song ~ Moondust by Jaymes Young