He told me I was amazing. That He loved me, and that I was the most beautiful girl he's ever seen. </3 I told him I liked him, Yet I'm broken and shattered to much to offer any love.
My mind is elsewhere. To my ex, to the guy I'm attending prom with, and them back to him.
What the hell is wrong me, you may ask?
I'm broken. Confused. I'm emotionally distressed, yet I still breathe.
My Heart Has been Played, Yet it's still beating.
My Love was once whole, Nothing left To offer.
This pain I feel is The pain of knowing,
It wasn't real, it was just...Pretending.
I feel so bitter, yet so sweet,
But I can't bring myself to go on,
Truth be told,
I'm not even sure I'll ever feel whole,
This hole in my heart,
Bigger than a black-hole.POETRY! XD
:3 I'm not Broken as much as I'm still healing.