1) Asked By TheWolfOfTheWild
Q. Are you a taco in disguise as taco as a taco as a taco who is a taco in a taco in a taco in a taco and IS ACTUALLY A CAT?!
A. :3 No. I'm a Taco named Ticci and a Ticci named Taco. See, My Cat disguise is strictly for when the Government made of Red Hot Chili Peppers Call Me out on a Mexican Mission and can't for my taconess to be revealed. Thus, I'm a Cat disguised Taco searching for long-wanted Ghost Pepperman, and BurritoJack Fakeness.
2) Asked by -Toxic-
Q. What are your thoughts on Storm X Velvet V. Falling X Storm
A. To be honest, I still really love the shipping of FallingSplash, <3 Falling is my main OC along with a Few Others. I mean, I guess I ship StormDusk, But not as much as FallingSplash!! ^^
3) Asked By _SkywaySilver_
Q. What Instrument Do You Play?
A. I played drums for about seven years, I play Acoustic and Electric Guitar, and Learning Piano soon. I also Sing. ^^
4) React To Little Game by Benny -Requested by @TheBudderDragon
Reaction~ o.e That was partially disturbing, to be honest. The facial expressions, although they told a story, thoroughly disturbed me while eating a cookie...
5) Asked by Daenerys_Stormborn
Q. Favorite TV Show, Book, Movie?
A. The Walking Dead, :D Uhm, Warriors and The Wingfeather Saga. And Big Hero 6. ;D