Hey, Guys. So...I guess it's time where I ask..
How do you guys really feel about me?
Either it's true friendship, or it's all one big lie.
I'd also like to put out there That I'm no longer accepting requests. I already made some people pissed off that they never got their's, and I'd like to vocally apologize.
I have ADD, ADHD, I can't stay focused on one thing for to long, so, I go back and forth repeatedly, and sometimes, I will honestly forget a project.
But sometimes, My phone never saved a progressed project.
Thing is, So many people nag me in PM, and sometimes, I want to break down, and I want to give up. I want to throw my phone, and I want to cry. And there have been times where someone has gone to far as to accusing me as a lying bitch, and I gave up. I gave up, and Never wanted to see another day.
But I'm still breathing.
I'm not suicidal, No. But sometimes I think, What of my life ended right here, right now. Would anyone notice I'm missing?
That question scares me the most. Because I already know the answer.
I'm not naming anyone. Far to many people have complained. The last request was for My bud Crazed. He waited longest.
I guess I'm sorry. I'm not the greatest person in the world. I'm not perfect. I'm not consistent in art. I draw, I get lazy, and I go to play Guitar or write my music.
So, I'm sorry to say, Requests are Closed. Only will Requests go if your on DA, or You Very Close to me WattPad wise.
I just don't want to make anyone wait longer than they should. This being said...