I decided it was time for a Q and A and Shout Out Session.
This boom has reached 4.47k views, and that amazes me! Over 200 votes, and It makes me crazy!! ^.^ I can't believe You guys think my Art is That GOOD!!
Shout Outs ~
Sky, :3 You are like, My best Friend on WattPad. We rant about things together, and we help each other. Everyone, Go follow her!Xx_Crazy_Kitty_xX
Bro, :3 You support me a lot. I don't know how to repay you. Just know I'm always there for You!@-Toxic-
Buddy, :3 Just like Sky, You are my Best Friend!!! :D We are both insanely weird, and aren't afraid to show it!
As Toxic and Sky, <3 I wuv You.Nyancatcraze
:D You are like My Buddy. We RP all the time, and We ship a lot of things hardcore.-I apologize if You didn't get a shout-out!! Once we reach..Hmm, 350 votes, and 10k views, I'll have another Shout Out!
As for Q and A ...Let's begin.
Q: What App or Program do you use?
A: I use SketchBook Pro((Mobile)),and very rarely will I use Drawing Desk. Though Sketchbook Mobile is Out of App Stores, there is SketchBook Express, yet I do not use that due to having to buy all the pens and tools, when I already have SketchBook Mobile with everything. As for Desktop, I will use DA Muro and Sketchbook, but that is rare.Q: How Do I Draw The Way I Do?
A: Practice, xD That's all I'll say. Lots of practice. I've drawn cats and animals since I dunno, Birth. I learned how to draw my style of cats on my own, and my Friend Faith taught me the Anime Style in 6th grade....5years ago....xDPost Questions below and I will Answer them!!!!!