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16. Even if its true , I will not tell Aphrodite she looks like a life-size barbie

17. I will not ask Poseidon what he has againist Japan

18. I will not give Hestia a gun on National Peace Day

19. Never ever will I tell Hades to get a life

20. I shall not call Zeus by the name of Pikachu

21. Or, in that case challenge him to a pokemon battle.

22. If I like living , I will never tell a godess she is a mary-sue

23. I shall not compare Dumbledore to a Olympian

24. Making light sabar noises with my sword is not permitted

25. Under no circumstance I can ask Zeus why he married his sister

26. Annoying Dionysus is not a good idea

27. Escipally about his drinking habits

28. I will not call Ares a 'gangsta'

29. Or , ask him if he is a part of the Hell's Angels

30. Blaring Friday by Rebecca Black is never a good idea

A/N , Hi! Yeah, yeah not to good but im just a 7th grade girl with some time to waste. This story is dedicated to Megmegsie for annoying me enough to write this story :) Haha , BFF for life Meg. Oh and people , call me Bubbles ( Its my new nickname :) )

41 things I will not do on Mount OlympusWhere stories live. Discover now