I Got Tagged!

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Hi everyone! I'm sorry I haven't been updating lately, but don't worry, I'm working on the epilogue for this book! I know.. we're already at the end... But don't worry, I'm probably gonna make a sequel! Hopefully....

Anyways, I got tagged by XxNaLuDragfiliaXx so, here we go!

1) Favorite color
Ummm.. well, it's always changing, tbh... but right now, it's yellow, because it's such a happy color!!

2) Favorite song that's stuck in your head
Well, the song that's stuck in my head and I think is really pretty, is Safe & Sound by Taylor Swift. It's from the Hunger Games.

3) Kpop or anime?
I'm a hardcore anime fan, so probably anime!! But Kpop is really good too!!

4) Battery percentage
I'm at 65% at the moment. But my battery does go down pretty fast....

5) Favorite childhood cartoon
Ummm.. tbh, the only two cartoons I watched when I was little were Donald Duck and Tom and Jerry... but I'm gonna say that Tom and Jerry is my favorite childhood cartoon!

6) Your ultimate OTP and your non-OTP
My ultimate OTP is definitely Nalu by far! But my non-OTP... I don't think I have one, tbh.. but if HAD to pick one.. it would probably be.. ummmm.. Nali, I guess....

7) How often do you use Wattpad?
Basically 24/7...

8) Favorite app, or app you use the most
Ummm.. well, I have a bunch! Wattpad, Spotify, YouTube, and Pinterest. Though the one I use the most is probably Pinterest..

9) Relationship status
I'm a single Pringle! Sorry, that sounded weird.. but yeah, I'm single!

10) What are your top 3 favorite Wattpad or fanfic books
This is super hard!! I don't think I have one... or three... sorry...

Okay, that's all the questions! Now I'm gonna tag a bunch of people! If you get tagged, you're not gonna die, don't worry!

You just have answer the ten questions I'll give in a sec. You can answer them in a book you're the author of, like I did, or if you don't have a published book, you can answer the questions on your message board thingy!

Okay here we go!

Here are the questions!

1) Where is your dream vacation?

2) How did you find Wattpad?

3) What is your favorite anime? If you don't have one, what is your favorite tv show?

4) What is your favorite animal?

5) Who is your OTP and your non-OTP?

6) What percent are you at right now?

7) What is your favorite emoji?

8) What is your favorite book/fanfic on Wattpad?

9) What is your favorite movie?

10) What song is stuck in your head? If there isn't one stuck in your head, what is your favorite song?

Have fun! If you have any questions about this, let me know! The last chapter for this book should probably be out on Monday, because it's Martin Luther King Jr. Day! It's also my birthday on Monday!!

See ya soon!! 


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