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Jimin's POV

I woke up from a loud thud. "It's ok Jimin! I just fell..." Hoseok said. I gave him a nod before sleeping again. I couldn't sleep now...my mind was clouded but I can't help realize how good Hoseok's scent was. It's so good...

So good...Ugh!

"Mmnnn~" I let out as I grabbed the sheets tightly and inhaled his scent more. "Jimin Im back with- what are you doing?" He asked as I looked back at him. My vision was hazy. Why does he smell so good?

I feel sick. "I-I think I need to go..." I whispered. He handed me a cup of water. "Drink it. It might help." He said. I nod since I trust him. I drank up the water he gave me but it tasted weird...

"My head hurts." I groaned. Hoseok nods. "I know."


Hoseok POV

"Hobi..." Jimin whimpered. I felt guilty but I knew his heat was coming. I drugged the water and made sure to mix well with a sleeping pill. He'll wake up when his heat kicks in strong.

"I'm sorry Minnie....I really lov-" he cut me off. "I-I trusted you..." he passed out. Fuck...why does this have to happen? Why does he do this?

"Why can't I have you?" I said before I grabbed my cup and slammed it to the ground. "WHY HIM???!! WHY NOT ME?!" I yelled. I threw the chair across the room and it broke. Splinters flying in the air. I jump on top of Jimin.

"You love Yoongi...I know you do...but please..." I was sobbing...I really want him. "Give me a chance..." I lean down and press my lips against his.

"You bastard....you changed a lot Hoseok." I look up and saw Yoongi standing there. "I'll fucking kill you." I felt my whole body shiver and immediately got off of the sleeping Jimin. Why does my body react this way?

"Good to see you know." I watch Yoongi walk towards Jimin and carry him over his shoulders. "I heard everything..." his head turned away from me. "He's mine and we can't change that. You knew that already." Yoongi leaves and I'm left in the room alone. Why am I always alone?

Jimin, why don't you love me? Do I not deserve to be loved?


Yoongi's POV

I can't believe him. I know he likes Jimin but he needs to know that Jimin isn't an object he can just call dibs on. Jimin's mine. That's been made clear the day I almost marked him

I think.

"Mmm!!! Ahh~ Yoongi!" Jimin cried out. "Jimin...fuck..." I grunted. I knotted Jimin and he cried. My cum fills him up and I pull away leaving him crying on the bed.

"H-Hyung...it hurts..." fuck...he looks so hot. His body on display with my marks on him. His hole gaping open and close waiting for something to fill him up again. I move down and bite his thigh.

"Forgive me baby." I hover over him again and push into his hole. "AHH!!!" Jimin shouted. We went at it two more times. On our third round, we got interrupted.

"YOONGI!!! GET THE FUCK OFF!" SeokJin yelled. Namjoon grabbed Yoongi and pulled him off. "My baby..." Jin cried as he held Jimin's passed out body into his hands. I felt angered by this.

"Give him back!" I yell. "NO! He's too young for you! You don't deserve him! How dare you lay a finger on him! Fuck you!" Jin rambled. Namjoon tried to calm him down but Jin wasn't having it. He wrapped Jimin in a blanket.

"I won't let him have your pups....bye."

Since then Jimin remembered when he was forced and became depressed. It's been 2 years for his healing...

I shudder at the memory. It's good that Jimin doesn't remember what happened. He was too traumatized, he got sent to the hospital. I'm glad SeokJin knocked some sense into me.

"Mm." I heard Jimin groan. I shivered. "We're almost there." I said even though he was still sleeping. We arrive and I got out. Turning the car off before taking Jimin into my arms. I slam the car door shut and then go through the front door. (Come on, he opened it like anyone would)

"Jimin, wake up." I said. I placed him on the couch and try to wake him. "Yoongi..." he whispered. I sigh and carried him to his room. He smelled sweet. I'm glad he doesn't know about the suppressants I keep in my drawer. I'll use that when I put him in bed.

"Night Jimin." I said before walking off. I couldn't though...I felt a hand hold my wrist. I look back to see Jimin holding me. "Hyung...how did you find me?" Jimin asked. I look away and don't answer. "You don't need to know."

Jimin's eyes open. I can feel him give me a hard look. Suddenly, the room smelled sweet. Too sweet. Fuck...his heat. "Let go Jimin. I'm going to bed." I said. He doesn't let go. "Jimin!" I growled. He just tightened his grip.

"Hyung...it hurts." He whimpered. I grunt. Trying to get away from him. "Jimin...I don't want to hurt you." I said. He just gets up and hugs me. Fuck! He's crazy!

"Yoongi....I trust you...you saved me from Hoseok..." Jimin whispered. I calmed down and leaned my head on his.

"Jimin....you aren't thinking correctly." I want him to know that I don't want to make a mistake.

"Alpha....I'm sure you will behave..." I felt a lump in my throat. How can I resist his offer? After all....

He is

My mate


Sorry...I-I don't know what to write recently. I promise I'll change soon! I'll be more confident and try to think harder on what to write!!! >~<

Btw my grammar still sucks so please bare with me 😭

Ps: I type too fast so I don't check for mistakes.

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