I Missed You

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Robert's P.O.V

It's been awhile since me and Ken were together before Ken had to go back home for the holidays. "I can't believe it's now 2020, it has now been seventeen years since Ken and I met and kissed each other." Unfortunately people are now getting sick with the flu, stomach virus, and having a cold. And it's hard for me and Ken to see each other without getting sick. Sigh oh well I guess I'll wait and see. I hope he's doing ok. And if he is sick I would have to wait even more for him to get better since he doesn't want to get me sick. I sat on my couch in my living room. When Fred my dog walked over to me, he had his sad puppy eyes. He knew how  I was feeling. You miss Ken too don't cha Fred I said. He only barked as if to say yes to me, I smiled at him I'm sure we'll see him again. I got up from the couch to get a drink of water. I filled up a glass of water, one day we'll see each other again one day. I sat back down on the couch and slowly drank my water, before setting on the little table in front of me.

Ken's P.O.V 

I was home for the holidays and" I'm planning on heading back to California to be with Robert." I went upstairs to my bedroom to get ready to go back California, when my older brother Dave Kirzinger came in my bedroom. Sigh yes Dave I said. Where are you going? He asked. Back to California I said. To be with your little boyfriend he mocked. I told my siblings that I am gay, and about Robert who is only five foot ten and they think that means he's too short for me. Look Dave I would love it if you were to stop insulting my boyfriend I said. And why should I he said. Because I said walking over to him and standing over him. Dave is six foot 3inches 6 so...yeah. I said so. I said to Dave. Now can you please leave my room I said. Fine Dave said. I closed my bedroom door, and went back to finish packing for my trip back to California. Robert is waiting for me. As I finished packing I went down stairs, and headed out the front door and got into my car and drove off to the airport. When I arrived I made my way through the airport metal detector, I mange to get on the airplane heading for LA California. While I was on my way I texted Robert to tell him that I was coming back. I knew how much he misses me, I look at my phone and Robert said I can't wait to see you, I smile because I couldn't wait to see him to.

Robert's P.O.V

Ken is coming back I can't wait to see him, he knows how much I miss him and can't wait to see him. My dog Fred ran over to me with excitement and started to jump on his back legs barking with excitement I reached down and petted him." I know you're just as excited to see Ken as I am. I said." Fred barked as if to tell me yes, I smiled as I petted him on the head. I walked over to my couch as I was about to sit down on my couch when I heard a knock at my front door. Who is that? I said. I walked to the front door and slowly opened it. I could feel my mouth drop open. KEN I yelled with excitement, Hi baby Ken I said. I missed you honey. I said. I missed you too love Ken said. We hugged each other for a while, Fred started braking with excitement. Hi Fred Ken said as petted him. Ken walked inside my house, how was your holiday? Ken asked me. It was fun though I had to keep Fred out the Christmas cookies I said. Haha I told my brother and sister that I am gay and about you. Ken said. And what did they say? I asked. They said you are too short for me, even though you're five' ten. Ken said. Oh my god of corse they did. I said. Yeah they did. Ken said. Well let's make some dinner. I suggest. Ken laugh are you hangrey? He asked. Sigh very funny. I said. Ken laughed ok then honey. Ken said. Well I wanna make our dinner before we feed Fred his dinner. I said.  Alright said Ken. We set to work on making our dinner, after we were finished we went over to Fred's food and water bowls. I filled his food bowl with dog food, while Ken filled his water bowl with water. then we set his food and water bowls on the ground Fred came running over and started eating. While he eating his dinner Ken and I were eating our dinner. So can you believe it's been seventeen years since we met Ken. I said. It feels like yesterday we met Ken said. I know. I said.

Ken's P.O.V

We finished our dinner, so did Fred which meant we had to clean out his food and water bowls. Before we rise our dishes and them in the dish washer along with other dishes. Thanks for helping me Ken Robert said. You're welcome. I said to him. So what do you want to do? Robert asked. Well why don't we clean the rest of the kitchen I said. Ok then said Robert. So Robert and I did, after we were done cleaning the kitchen we sat down on the couch and just relax it has been along day for the both of us. But I can tell that something was on Robert's mind. Is there a reason why you missed me so much? I asked Robert. I thought that since a lot of people were getting sick that you would get sick to and that I would half to wait even longer so that you wouldn't half to worry about getting me sick. Robert explain to me. Well I'm not sick so you don't have to worry. I said. I know. Robert said. Well at least now I know why you missed me. I said teasing Robert. HEY! Robert said. I only laughed somebody is getting grumpy. I said smiling. Very funny Ken Robert said sounding annoyed. Hahahahaha come on Love let's getting ready for bed I said. sigh ok. Robert said as we got up from the couch and went upstairs to his bedroom. I look over at Robert who finished getting his pajamas on, are you ok? I asked looking at him. Yes KK he said to me. I finished getting my pajamas on. So was Christmas different this time? I asked. Yeah my friends made of me for being gay. Robert answered. Well you don't have to worry about them now that I'm here I said getting into bed with him. Robert to his right side at me and smiled I know Ken I know he said. We kissed each other good night and we fell asleep.

1215 words this may be the longest chapter so far.

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