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Chapter 17 — How to unlike someone

Chapter 17 — How to unlike someone

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"How do you unlike someone, Jackson?" Lily Van Doren asked gazing at her brother. Jackson paused and suddenly blurted out laughing. "You can't unlike someone, Lil. It's not as easy as that."

"So I guess I'm stuck with this feeling forever?" She frowned. "No, you can't unlike someone. You will just love someone more than you love the first one. Lily. . Tell me whats going on?" Jackson asked.

"I've been thinking a lot lately. I think I just have to give up on Josh. And move on from good. What do you think Jackson?" She raised her eyebrow.

"Well it's about time." He said sipping his drink. "And besides, I think you're better off with Anthony anyway. I can clearly tell that he likes you a lot. And the fact that the man knows what he wants in life." He said muttering the last part.

"What do you think will happen to our friendship after this?" She frowned looking sadly at the floor.

"Sometimes you just gotta move on Lil, this is life. If I was like you I think I haven't moved on from that one girl in middle school that I liked a lot."

"Who? Blair Bellerose from model un?" The girl smirked earning a chuckle from her brother. "Yeah, exactly her. I wonder what she's doing right now."

"You mean being married to a successful yet handsome footballer?" Lily crossed her arm. "She's not married yet, she's engaged. And we're invited to the wedding apparently."

"So Brandons gonna be there?" Lilys eyes twinkled at the mention of his name. "Don't talk about Brandon like that, you're too young for him anyway and besides, a successful lawyer like him doesn't need a girl to pester him all the time."

"You can take all the tiktok boys for all I care." Jackson rolled his eyes.

"But the tiktok boys don't want me though." She pouted. "Well then sucks to be you." He said taking another bite of his muffin. "Alexa the muffins are too soggy." Jackson sulked.

"So will this work?" Josh asked while Griffin nodded

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"So will this work?" Josh asked while Griffin nodded. "Totally, you know her for years bro, you know the stuff she likes more than anyone."

Josh looked at the box of dark chocolates and horror movies he have gathered. "Why do you need to give her movie films though? I mean its 2020 we can all watch it on Netflix." Griffin said.

"Hey hey, like what Mattia said its what the thought that counts." Josh said proudly before pulling up to her house. "Lily live here? Damn she must be loaded." Griffin muttered.

"Yeah she lives with her brother. Soo, you're just here for moral support okay? Jackson can sometimes be a brat so let me handle him okay?" He smirked.

They parked outside Lilys house and rang the bell. "Mr Josh! What a lovely surprise! What brings you here?" Alexa asked answering the door.

"Oh hi Alexa, is Lily home?" Josh asked. "I'm afraid Miss Lily is out with her friend. Mr Jackson is upstairs with his lady friend though–"

"Okay too much information Alexa we don't want to know more about Jacksons sex life." Josh fake gagged.

"Ooh there is Miss Lily now." She spoke causing both Griffin and Josh to turn around. "Josh? What are you doing here?"

Slowly the smile on his face turns into a frown as he sets his eyes on none other than Anthony. "Where were you guys?" Griffin asked. "Oh, Anthonys taking me shopping. And look at what he got me!" She squealed.

"What?" Josh asked.

"The shoes! I said no but Anthony insisted! Literally, he yanked the shoes off my hands and paid for them quickly. I'm thankful though. It's cute and funny at the same time." She chuckled softly.

"So Josh, Griffin. Why are you guys here again? Are you looking for me?" Lily asked. "Josh has something to give to you." Griffin nudged him. "Oh what is it?" Lily smiled and upon seeing her smile Josh suddenly felt embarrassed.

He only got her chocolates while Anthony bought her shoes that looked really expensive. "Nothing, he's joking right Grif?" Josh asked giving him the look.

"Uhh yeah haha I was just joking. We're actually looking for your brother Jackson." Griffin spoke.

"But I thought you were looking for miss Lily? There she is now!" Alexa said. Josh cursed to himself as he grinned at her. "Actually we kinda got somewhere to be right now. I'll see you both at school."

"Ah is that so? Well you don't want to miss that huh? Go on then." She nodded. Anthonys gaze met Josh as he raised his eyebrow in confusion

And with that they both left.

"I can't believe you haven't confessed to her yet

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"I can't believe you haven't confessed to her yet. I thought you liked her a lot." Jaden whispered. "Dude can we not talk about this in class she's literally right there." Anthony whispered back.

"Kk we'll just have to write notes then." Jaden nodded and tear off a piece of paper from his notebook.

Well the note went a bit like.

JH : hey:)

AR : why are we passing notes like we're little girls this is so not me

JH : well this is better than having our ass called out for chatting in class. Anywho why haven't you confessed yet?

AR : I haven't found the right time, she's a special girl and I want it to be meaningful

JH : ugh pussy

AR : yo is it just me or Mr T is starting to look at us funny

"Now, what do we have here." He said snatching the notes from Jadens hand. "Please don't let us read it in front of the class Mr T I'll do anything! I'll clean your office!" Anthony pleaded.

"Now that is a tempting offer but of course we made rules about passing notes in class and that is to read the note in front of the class so tell them what you wrote Mr Reeves, Mr Hossler." He said crossing his arm.

And so they did earning a lot of snickers and chuckled from the other students. "Ah, that is actually quite heartwarming. Who is the lucky girl Mr Reeves?"

Anthonys eyes darted everywhere except Lilys eyes. Lily gave a small chuckle as she returned to take notes.

She find him kinda cute

To be continued

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