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The next day after Jannah had a chance to say sorry, the doctor checked Rey and they all had breakfast, the king requested Rey for a private meeting.

She was mad and wanted an explanation, fearing even that the king had something to do with what happened to her, so she agreed immediately.

"After I talk to him we can leave" Rey said to Ben and Jannah.

"What about that guy?" Jannah questioned.

"I'm going to question him, you can come if you like... just don't get in the way" Ben told her. Rey shot him a tired gaze. He couldn't be mad at Jannah forever... or he could be stubborn and be it.

"I'll... see you later then" Rey started walking away and Ben couldn't hekp but look at her. It was odd, her wearing colors and having her hair down... even on Naboo her clothes were pretty much the same, but by the king's decree they all had to wear Keetar clothes. 

After the bright blue and pink robe of Rey dissapeared he turned away, he would ask a servant where the prisoner was or he would find it. Whatever happened first.

"Your majesty" Rey acknowledged the king but didn't vow nor looked down when she entered the throne room.

"Rey, I was very sorry to hear what happened to you" he said from his throne, not moving an inch. Her hand intuitively reached for her saber, but she calmed down.

"Did you know about any of this?!" she demanded going up the stairs to his throne.

"I had no knowledge about them being agressive, in the many times we visited them before they only asked to speak with you and never harmed anyone" he said.

"Liar! you're helping them" Rey accused him.

"I do not lie! The attack on you and your friend was a terrible terrible mistake and I plan on helping you anyway I can" he rose from his seat.

"The first day I came here, you didn't really want us to do anything and yesterday... you're not even worried or anything. About them dying, about them doing this to me" she was about to show him her arm but then remembered that Ben had already healed her. " Their absence seems to make no difference to you, or even make you happier so... you brought me here for another reason. What do you want?" 

The king stared into Rey's eyes then, sitting back down and tilting his head a little. 

She has it in her. Clever, strong, sure... he thought.

"Sit down" he finally spoke.


"On that step if you want" all he cared was he could look at her face. 

"I'm okay standing, now. Tell me truth." she crossed her arms. 

He sat straight on his seat and intertwined his fingers on a metidating pose.

"Take off his helmet" Ben ordered Jannah now that they were with the prisoner. Ben had him shackled to a wall on his cell.

"Do you know him?" Jannah asked taking it off.

"I don't think so..." he admited. He never payed too much attention to his army, at least not enough to recognize all of their faces.

"Kylo Ren" was all that the groogy's prisoners voice said.

"You're going to answer a lot of questions today" he held out his hand, slightly choking him.

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