New kid *smut*

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This is long as fuck as a warning, you can just skip to a little over half way down to get to the smut, I won't judge I'm the one that wrote this ish


My alarm screams at me before I roll over and turn it off. I keep my eyes closed before sitting up to check the time.

5:26 AM

Ugh. I'm so excited yet dreading today. Today I start at a new school, in a new state, where I don't know anyone. I'm an absolute newbie to California.

I decide I should actually get up and throw the covers off of me. I start changing out of my pajamas and into the clothes I prepared last night, yea yea I wanted to be prepared. If anyone's interested im wearing some baggy blue jeans with a t-shirt over a hoodie.

I grab my phone and check the time again. Damn.

6:45 AM

Fuck. Time moves so fast. I grab my bag and go to my bathroom to brush my teeth and fix my hair. I then rush down stairs and grab some quick breakfast and my keys.

I get outside and start my car. I put my head on the steering wheel and huff.

"I'm ready to go home now" I change gears and reverse out of my drive way on route to school. On my way there I see this sexy ass black Dodge Challanger pull up next to me at the stop light. They're blasting some music with heavy bass. I guess I was staring because they roll down their window  and turn down their music to look at me.

"Take a picture mamas, it'll last longer" she says while winking. I now have a better look at her, she has black hair with green roots with long acrylic nails. She's kinda hot doe-.

"Aight bet baby girl" I say grinning pointing my phone at her. The girl makes a funny face holding up a peace sign. I take the picture laughing before the light turns green and I take off.

I finally arrive at school and park in junior lot. I grab my stuff, get out and lock my car. I walk to the front of the school heading for the office.

"Hi I'm Y/N, uh this is my first day here" I tell the lady at the front desk. She types in my name into the computer before the sound of the printer goes off.

"Well have someone guide you to your classes if you like" she says while handing me my schedule.

"I'm okay, I think I can find my way around" I say smiling turning around to go find my classes.

"Before I forget" she says before I leave "today is Tuesday, so it's only your even numbered classes"

"Okay thank you" I say opening the door.

The bell rings and a flood of students start walking up the stairs. I walk to the stairs before seeing that girl with the green hair again and I run up to her pulling out my phone to show her the picture I took of her earlier.

"Ew delete that shit bro" she says trying to take my phone.

"Fuck no u look cute as hell in this" I say. She puffs air out of her nose before saying

"I haven't seen you around here, you new?"

"Yea it's my first day, idk where my classes are" I saw pulling out my schedule. She grabs it from me before scanning the page.

Billie eilish imagines *with smut*Where stories live. Discover now