Tongue tied *smut*

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⚠️Switch/verse!Billie, kinky(and I mean a little of ass stuff so I'm sorry but I warned you)

but uhh i edited this so it's not cringe

I wake up in the middle of the night to the feeling of cold yet soft hands running gently under my t-shirt. I finally slowly blink open my eyes and look at the time on the alarm clock on my nightstand.

3:27 AM

Billie is either awake or just subconsciously moving her hands.
"Baby?" I ask with a very chalky morning voice. Billie's hands suddenly stop moving and end right before the hem of my basketball shorts. Billie doesn't answer me for a minute and instead scoots her body closer to mine but makes sure to have her crotch right against my ass.

"Yes? What's up baby?" She asks moving her head onto my stomach, looking me into my eyes.

"How long have you been up?" I ask while attempting to turn around to face her when I'm met with a firm squeeze on my hip, silently telling me not to move.

"Idk but I kept thinking about you in my dreams." She says grinning at me, her face illuminated by the moonlight peaking through our window. I raise my eyebrows, slightly already knowing where this is going.

"Oh really? What about?" I ask in a slightly teasing tone. Billie sits up with her elbow coming up to rest near my head on the pillow, her other hand making swirls on my stomach. She looks into my eyes with that piercing glare that makes my knees weak and my heart rate increase. Billie doesn't say anything but instead reaches behind her to turn on some music.

Billie comes back and scoots close to me again before coming right up to my ear and rests her lips on them. "I dreamt about tying you up". She says in a raspy whisper sending chills down my spine.
"And fucking you so hard that you're screaming my name, and forgetting your own."

"do you like the thought of that baby?" She whispers. I nod my head, but Billie slides her hand up into the back of my hair and pulls harshly on it.

"speak up." She demands. Fuck, after this I'm going to have handicap parking.

"Yes, I love the thought of that Billie. I'll let you do anything you want to me tonight." I say, i'll definitely regret this when we actually wake up today.

"Oh really?" She asks, a devilish smirk forming onto her face. "Let's see how much you can take then" she says before slipping out from under the covers and into her closet for a minute. While she's in there I push the covers off of me and try to fix my hair to look presentable for her.

Eventually Billie comes back with a box I've never seen before, it's different from the regular box she normally brings out. She sees the look of confusion on my face and sets the box down. "I got some new things for you the other day, I had to get a bigger box" she laughs. Billie then gets between my legs pushing them open.

"I hope you know I'm about to fuck your shit up, is this still okay?" She asks wanting to fully make sure I'm comfortable before she fully gets into this.

"Yea" I say genuinely.

"Okay" she smiles. "Remember the safe word?" she laughs. No way I could forget it is so stupid.

Billie then fully gets into it. The smile on her face fades away, being replaced with a lustful grin, full of mischief. Billie's hands slip under my shirt, pulling it over my head before leaning down to kiss me sternly. My hands instinctively go to wrap around her neck, but as they do she grabs both of my wrists pinning them down with her hands.

"Keep your hands up there " she demands as she lets go of them, reaching into the box she had brought to the bed earlier. "Turn over" she says biting her lip. As I turn over Billie smacks my ass harder than she ever has, making me wince in pain. With my ass planted in the air Billie grabs both of my wrists and starts tying them together wrapping some of the rope around my breasts and down my thighs. 

Billie eilish imagines *with smut*Where stories live. Discover now