III | Killer Talk

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It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets.



THE two sat on a bench near the river with the cold wind as the third wheel. Jin got them a coffee earlier before joining Blue near the river. As soon as he gave the warm cup to her, silence became their blanket.

"You wanna... tell me why you look-"

"Pathetic?" Blue cutted him off.

Jin took a huge breath, in and out slowly to not loose his temper. He hated it when people cut his sentence.

"You wanna tell me why you looking sad?" Jin asked. He thought for a moment and corrected himself. "Broken?"

Blue's pair of eyes wandered far away, looking at the water peacefully streaming. She tried to let the words out, pass her clogged throats, pass her lips, but can't.

So she took a deep breath once again.

"Have you ever feel like you're a bother?" Blue asked him, voice barely there, but audible thanks to the silent atmosphere.

"Have you ever feel like you're not useful?" The woman asked again without giving Jin a chance to answer.

The man knew Blue didn't expect an answer from him. She just wanted to tell her story. So Jin patiently listen to her voice. The way Blue talk made him soft inside, it's like, he can feel a connection between them. Like a meeting point. He's denying it, because he knew it's true.

That the stranger he was about to kill made him.... feel things.

"After I graduated, I told my parents I wanted to go overseas. They gave me money, a lot of it," Blue laugh bitterly, salty tears starting to blur her view.

"Long story short, I went here. Seoul. Gave mama and papa high hopes and gave them disappointment at the end."

Jin took a sip from his coffee. "Drink some." He said softly, gesturing Blue to drink from her cup. Blue obeyed. She took a rather huge sip from the hot substance, causing a burning sensation in her throat. Eyes turning red as she coughed rapidly.

"Careful there." Jin softly patted her back out of instinct until the coughing gone down.

"Until," she cleared her throat, "until now, I still don't have enough money to go back home. To London."

"Three months ago, a company contacted me on e-mail. A-and..." Blue breathed out a shaky sigh.

"And I was so surprised. A college girl like me noticed by a company." She smiled sadly, remembering that moment when she was beyond happy. "I was drowned in happiness, excitement."

She took a long pause. Playing back the scenes three months back. She missed the times when she was happy. Carefree. Like the world was on her side.

"And?" Jin asked softly as ever. He didn't want to appear nosy about her story.

"The company was searching for a project to invest on. They chose me, well as a candidate. So I worked hard on the project."

"What kind of project?"

"Architecture stuff." Blue answered with a faint smile. "I'm an architecture nerd." Jin chuckled at her statement.

"Today they asked me to do a presentation about my project." Blue continued. "Oh God knows how excited I was this morning."

"How excited?" Jin asked. Blue raised an eyebrow at him.

"From one to ten, how much?" The man asked once again, obviously trying to lighten up the mood.

Blue sighed and thought for a moment. Appreciating Seokjin's attempt. "Twenty two." She smiled at him.

"Twenty two?" The younger man laughed. Blue followed him, she laughed.

"Why?" Jin asked.

"It's my age." Blue answered. "It's like... I felt happy. The happiest in my 22 years of life."

Jin seem shocked for a moment. So she's older than me? He wondered, though the question was answered already. "You're 22 years old?" Jin asked her.

"Yes. You?" She looked at him.

"School drop out?" Blue suspected. Jin smiled sheepishly at her.

"Kids these days." Blue muttered, deepening the shade of red on his cheeks. "When's the last time you went to school, kid?" She asked.

"When I was... a ninth grader." Jin answered, scratching his hair.

"How old are you now?"

Jin thought for a moment. "Seven... No, I'm eighteen." He answered truthfully. "Yeah, I'm nineteen next year."

This time, it's Blue's turn to be surprised. How can a kid this young kill people?

Jin looked at her and he knew she's going to ask him; How can a kid this young kill people?

He'd love to question back with a, "don't you watch murder case documentaries?" 

That'll ruin the mood.

So Jin decided to ask her more about her story.

"Okay, forget about our age. Now, continue your story." He said, shifting on the bench.

Blue hesitates for awhile. She wanted to know about his background. Maybe next time, she thought, herself not sure if there'll be a next time

"Where was I?" She asked.

"You were excited. Morning." Jin said, earning a nod.

"So, this morning I went to the company. It's near the new clothing shop at Gangnam street, if you're wondering." She paused for a moment. "I was told to wait in the waiting room before the CEO called me. When he called, I hurriedly went to his office. I was so eager to know the number of the investment."

"Then I did the presentation-"

"How did it go?" Jin interrupted.

"Good. I think I did well tho." She sighed. "It went good. Fantastic even. But didn't end the way I wanted to."

Jin expected that.

"The CEO rejected my project. You should see his face when he said 'we're not willing to invest on your project Ms. Blue'" She scoffed. "He looked like he didn't give a fuck. And I hate it." Blue muttered.

"Wait. Can I call you Blue or...?" Jin asked. Blue looked at him for some while and nodded.

"Call me Blue. I'm fine with that."


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OH GOSH! I'M SO HAPPYYYY... thank u you guys for reading my chapters. Oh man, I can't even express how happy I am.

*sending online cuddles and pecks to u*

Luv u guys! Don't forget to smile, and have a day full of happiness! Muach!

nb= Btw, I actually have a Namjoon Fanfic sitting on my laptop since early last year. I'm not rlly confident on publishing that Fanfic, coz It was my first time trying the Mafia AU. Just wanna let u know, if u want to maybe take a peek from the fanfic... tell me, then I'll maybe publish it.

Edit: i. Just. Deleted. The. Draft. For. Namjoons. Fanfic. What the heck was i thinking.

29/08/21 EDIT: Still short, i know ): I feel like if i lengthen this chapter, it wont do it any good. Kinda confident with this chapter if we compare it to the first version of it. Changed the age because now i know that the international minor age is 18 rather than 17. Sorry for my previous mistakes! Take care luvs, i believe in you, take some rest,,, 


Story Text Edit: Sunday, August 29, 2021

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