V | Killer Labeled Me

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I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.

-Marilyn Monroe


"MAY I come in?"

I was a bit hesitant as I looked at the man before me. My parents taught me well not to let strangers- which in this case, is not a stranger, its a murderer we're talking about here- in my residence.

And, not to leave someone out in the winter wind.

I took a deep breath. "Come in," I said, muttering a small, "I guess," underneath my breath. Jin smiled at me, the corners of his mouth digging onto his cheeks, forming the roughly shaped letter U with his pair of lips.

He stepped into the warm home once I stepped aside. Nodding internally when he removed his shoes and placed it against the wall between some other shoes of mine.

Removing my eyes from Jin, the first time since I saw him this morning, I glanced at the hanger on the wall. "You can hang your jacket here." I voiced out, looking at his every moves once again.

"Thank you." He chirped, freeing himself from the thick windbreaker. I nodded in acknowledgement.

I then gestured him to follow, as I walked to the living room. It was obvious he's pulling himself back not to let his stare wander around the room, keeping his hands to himself as well. Pretty well mannered, I might have to say.

Sitting myself on the closest armchair by the heater, I sighed as the warm heat touched my skin. Jin sat himself across me after I told him to do so. "Put it on the table if you want." I said, pointing to the paper bag with my chin. Then noticing the reddish fingertips of his, obviously bitten by the cold air on his way here. "Warm up your hands for a bit."

"Yeah," he cleared his throat, uttering his gratitude to me once he placed his package on the wooden table between us. Rubbing his palms against one and another, to create warmth for his skin.

Silence once again became our blanket. A lot of questions running inside my mind as I observed his face, lighted by the soft sunlight coming through the window.


Jin looked up. "Hm?"

I frowned. "How did you find me?"

"Should we eat?" He looked at me. Not like I expected him to answer me. Heaving out a sigh, I reluctantly nodded my head and stood up. "You like french toast?" He asked as we walked to the kitchen, alias, dining area.

"I don't hate it." I answered, taking some plates of leftovers from last night to preserve it inside the fridge. Jin placed the bag on the dining table, bringing out two hot beverages and a packaging of what I assume are the breads.

"Do we need plates?" I asked, earning a quick nod and a glance as he busied himself, throwing away the unnecessary store bags that he brought with him.

Fuck I forgot the stool. Cursing myself internally, tiptoeing to reach the cupboard.

"You really won't answer my question, eh?" Letting out a dry chuckle, giving him a quick look.

It's visible, the way he stopped what he was doing, from the corner of my eyes. "I nodded, Blue." Jin pretended not to know which question I referred to.

"Sure, you-"

Fuck, why is it so hard to reach?

"Hm?" Jin voiced out behind me.

"I said," groaning, I jumped to get the damned handle, "sure you did- fuck-!"

-ing hell.

That bitch of a drawer slashed my knee as I came down from the jump. No plates on my hand, but voilà a wound on my skin.

"Shit," I jumped for the second time this morning when I heard the man's cursing from right beside my ear. When the fuck did he move?

"You okay sweetheart? Shit shit shit, let me- let me get the plates first. Is it up here?" I nodded at his rushed words, the term of endearment almost slipped out of mind.

I hissed out in pain as another shore of sting shot through my legs.


"Easy," Seokjin whispered as he dabbed the wet cotton onto the bleeding scratch. It wasn't that painful, Blue was sure that the cold wind can dry the blood and heal it in no time. But the man was not on the same page.

Perhaps it was a sudden deja-vu that punched his mind when he saw her wound, or perhaps it was also the sense of worry and to protect, that came along with the deja-vu.

But what do we know?

Close to none.

"Does it hurt?" He looked up from his kneeling position at Blue who was sitting, her knee stinging more than before because of the medication being placed onto her slash.

"A bit," she tried to chuckle but it came out like an ugly wince.

"Fuck, sorry. I'll be done in a jiffy." Wincing alongside with her when he accidentally pressed the cotton too hard. His shaking fingers got the blame, that's for sure.

Took them both a couple more minutes until they're seated face to face with plates before them on the dining table.

"That's quite a lot, you think?" Blue laughed, quite a contrast to how she was just a while ago. Seokjin replied with the same manner, "that scar got to heal, and it requires energy to do so."

Blue nodded.

"Go on, take a bite." Seokjin urged, watching how the woman munched her first bite. Blue's eyes lit up, giving away such obvious reaction. She is gobsmacked.

"Jin," she gulped down, "this is so good."

Seokjin can't help but to grin proudly, patting his shoulder as he says, "Why, thank you ma'am."

"Oh you made it yourself?"

Blue let out a laugh again when she saw how Seokjin's pair of lips turned into a pout. "I'm not disrespecting you, really. Didn't know you're a cook," then she added, "a good one, you are."

"Thanks," he said, before taking a bite of his breakfast as well.

After another minutes of silence, just the soft sound of the traffic and utensils against utensils, Blue decided to lighten the mood. Not that it was dark nor sour.

"So, Jin," she mustered, "a chef and a killer. What a duet."

Jin stared at the plate for a while before giving Blue a chuckle. "Guess I like to entertain myself with complicated hobbies."

Blue decided to ignore the ambiguous comment, and offered him a tight smile.

Breakfast went by rather quickly, with a lingering tension. Jin, as a well-mannered guest, suggested to do the dishes, telling Blue to just take it easy with her wounded knee.


mmm.... hi

Like usual, i wanna thank u guys soooo much for reading the chapters till this far, I think that's all for now, coz I'm a bit busy preparing for Chinese New Year....

Like usual, i wanna thank u guys soooo much for reading the chapters till this far, I think that's all for now, coz I'm a bit busy preparing for Chinese New Year

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(: Luv u guys so much! Stay safe and healthy y'all <3


Story Text Edit: Sat, 11/13/2021 05:45pm

Hope you guys enjoy this update, and are doing well. I apologize for the lack of updates, I was obviously slacking. So once again I apologize, and hope this update is a good one. Lots of love and kisses. Have a great day my loves.

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