VIII | Killer Tells

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If you're searching for a quote that puts your feelings into words - you won't find it.
You can learn every language and read every word ever written - but you'll never find what's in your heart.
How can you?
He has it.

-Ranata Suzuki


DAWN. When the sky contemplates to stay dark or let the sun take over. Two souls bare for each other to look through, contemplating whether they bared so willingly or unwillingly.

"We had sex." Jin broke the silence. Laying on his back, keeping a distance between himself and the woman laying beside. His mind less foggier from the whiskey he downed earlier that night.

Blue remained silent, eyes closed, though her ears got each bits of his words and sighs.

"The sheets-"

"You know," Blue cut, "the least you can do now is to tell me how you get here." As if nothing can beat the cold of the winter, her voice has proven it wrong.

Jin watched from the corner of his eyes as she moved to lay on her side, backside facing him. Her skin illuminated by the moon that seems to still accompany the sky faithfully.

"Taxis still operates in such ungodly weathers, Blue."

Blue sighed. "How did you get here," she repeated, "Here, murderer, murders. How?"

"Will you come closer as a condition for my answers?" Jin dared, still staring at her backside. Fingers itching to trace patterns onto the skin, kissing each and every expand, relishing the feel of her skin on his lips.

A scoff left her mouth. "You want me to come closer?"

Jin breathed out a "yeah."

"While you're talking about how you murder your victims?"

That silenced the boy.

The faint sound of a wall clock and winter wind serenades the two souls as they lay. Sketchy, the atmosphere of the room. It was unfortunately a very good time to get comfortable under the sheets and let your slumber take control.

But the tension is not letting them to sleep it away.

"Let's just say," Jin gave himself up and decided to start, he breathed out a sigh, "I have come across," he paused, contemplating for the right word.

Blue, for the nth time that sidereal day, didn't know what to feel. A murderer is by her side and is starting to tell her how and why he started committing murders.

A sense of intrigue, though, got the best of her.

Just let him talk, she thought, then you can hand him over to the police.

"I'd say, I have undergone a series of encounters." The man said. "Encounters that, I'd like to believe, shaped me to who I am today. The me right here, the good and bad."

Blue blinked and lay on her back. Her body language starting to hint even more obviously that she was there to listen.

She slipped a quick glance at him. "Would you tell me... an occasion?"

Jin chuckled airily. Glancing at her and let his stare linger for a while before letting his eyes drift back onto the ceiling. "Heck, I'll tell you everything if you're willing to listen."

Blue hummed. "They said I am a good listener."


Seokjin, 7 years old


The boy in white t-shirt and denim overalls worked his lanky legs, running across the grand living room to find his oldest friend.

9 years old Kim Namjoon, Jin's fellow playmate. A smart boy him, nerdy looking with his telltale dimpled smile, round spectacles, and at least a book to carry around.

"Jinnie!!" Joonie, in his blue worn-out shirt and jersey shorts— a hand-me-down from Seokjin's older brother —stood up from the velvet armchair.

"Oof," the older chuckled when Seokjin launched onto his front, the boys hugging each other so tight. Happy to finally be together again after Seokjin's long trip to Seoul.

"Hyung," Seokjin, the cute boy he is with that pair of doe eyes, looked up to his friend, "I missed you."

"We missed you too, Jinnie!" Namjoon smiled, hugging his friend tighter. Chubby arms around the thin frame. "Jiminnie cried the day you left."

The two boys laughed together at that. And as if on cue,

"HYUNG!! SEOKJINNIE-HYUNG!!!" A chubby boy ran through the open front door, hastily kicking off his sandals before continuing his run.

Jimin, four years younger than Namjoon a.k.a Jimin's very own favourite hyung. The cherub cheeked boy, in his cow onesies, hugged the two hugging friends.

"Jinnie-hyung I missed you tons," he pouted, pecking the named boy's cheek.

"I missed you too, Jiminnie!" Jin happily cheered, bringing the other boys tighter into the hug.

"Come on! The boys are at the field!" Jimin jumped.


"Are they still with you?" Blue asked. "Jimin and Kim Namjoon."

Jin nodded. "Yeah, they're two out of three that weren't taken away from me."


The boys knew it was a fantastic choice to sleepover at little Jin's grand property. Giggles were echoing in the mansion. Little boys snuggling against one another under a makeshift tend in Jin's room.

"What else did you see, hyung, in Seoul?" Four years old Jeon Jungkook, questioned, staring at Jin wide eyed.

"Very very big houses!" Five years old Kim Taehyung, Jimin's birthyear twin, squealed from Jin's right side, hugging his hyung in a tight and snuggly koala grip. "Right, hyung?"

Jin nodded, eyes up on the ceilings as he tried to remember what his young eyes saw throughout his Seoul trip. "Taehyungie is right." he mustered, now looking at Jungkook, smiling. "There was a huge mall too! You guys would love the cinema."

The boys 'woah'ed. Imaginations flooding their mind.

"Once we're big and strong, we should go there." Min Yoongi, younger by nine months than Jin, mumbled sleepily.

"I'll bring snacks! We can eat any foods once we're big and strong!" Loud happy cheers welcomed Jung Hoseok's plan. The six years old boy smiled at all his friends, sunny and smiley, how he is.

Jungkook raised his little arms up in happiness, "Ice creams all da-"

A howl cracked the night. A very loud one at that.

The boys instantly snuggled closer onto each other.

"Did you guys hear that?" Namjoon whispered after a while.

"L-loud and clear." Jimin whined when another howl was heard, a little more silent than the first one.


Blue found herself getting closer onto Jin's side as she listen to his voice.

"What was it?" She asked silently, shivering with horror as she anticipated what's going to happen next.

Jin had to bit back a laugh at her scared demeanor, unconsciously sliding deeper under the blanket, leaving half of her face on the surface.

Just then he realized that they were side to side, naked skin on naked skin. Warm, he thought. He didn't tease Blue about it, not wanting any risk to get in the middle of the moment.

Cherish it while it lasts.

"It was my dog." Jin answered, eyes on her.

Blue looked up, meeting his eyes. "What happened to your dog?" She worried, gripping the edge of the blanket, sliding even more under the warm layer.

This time Jin wasn't able to help himself but to chuckle at her antics.

"What's funny?" Blue frowned, genuinely concerned. "What happened to your dog, Jin?"

Jin smile fell once he swallowed the question. "Ah, yeah, my dog." He cleared his throat, a wave of whole-body shiver tickling under his skin.

Unwillingly, the memories came back, wetting his mind.

"She uh," Jin groaned, scratching his chest involuntarily, groggy.

Blue gulped, thinking whether to shut her mouth or say something. The latter was what she went with.

"Take your time," Blue mustered unsurely, eyes catching onto the reddening skin of his chest.

Jin shook his head. "Yeah, I'm fine." He nodded to himself, eyes drifting onto the ceiling.

Blue grimaced at instinct, looking at the bordering bloody pecs, she reached out for his scratching hand, moving it away from the red skin.

The thing is, she didn't have it inside her to take her hand away from his. Fingers, either voluntarily or not, laced onto one another.

"M-my worker, I mean, uh, driver." Jin started again, holding her hand tighter. "He stabbed her."

Blue had to clasp his hand so tight when he took a huge uneven breath, drifting his stare onto her again. Eyes meeting once again.

"She," Jin smiled, lips wobbling the slightest bit. "She was my v-very," a single tear slipped from his eye, "very, bestest, friend."


I ruined the mood... didn't I?

Don't u guys find it weird how they looked so close? How they felt cozy with each other that easy? Suspicious isn't it? OoooOoooh

Chop chop babee, take ur holy water and take a bath with that. I'm not rlly good at smuts, but i hope u enjoy! Sorry if it's a lil should i say this, cliche(?) Idk, judge all u want.

Thank uuuuuu for reading the chapters, i wuv u guys!

💜💜💜 wuv urself babes!


Story Text Edit: Mon 12/27/2021 

Happy belated Christmas you guys!!!!! Hope you lovelies had- or perhaps still are, having a blast, teehee!

Something told me to update some times near Christmas, so here I am.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, and sorry for the long wait as usual.

Ah... my mind really can't stop thinking about Yoongi, Jin, and Joonie. My days. Really hope for their speedy recovery.

Anyway, do take care, you guys, the virus is still around.

ILY cupcakes sooooooo much. Stay safe <3

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