𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 1. 𝕵𝖚𝖓𝖌𝕶𝖔𝖔𝖐'𝖘 𝕮𝖔𝖓𝖋𝖊𝖘𝖘𝖎𝖔𝖓

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Face it

Face all of it

Don't ever turn your back against it

You're on your own, admit it

"Stop!" Once he let his deep voice out, just to stop the whispering that haunts him day and night, it stops. Every eye that was passing him gives him a weird look like why the hell is he shouting in the middle of the day? Don't he have anything else to do? Well he does but he doesn't have the feelings to do so

He just wants to get the weight off his shoulders, it was a burden. Yeah, he knows he's a burden too but now, not again. He's trying to become independent and give him the best of him, showing the world that he deserves to be treated as human, not trash but as always, still, it was just a dream, hope, and hardwork that no one seems to really want to know or care about. He's sick of this. Sick of being judged, comparing. Why can't he just live a normal life like other people? Why can't he laugh like he always does? Like a madman? Why can't someone just come to him and give him the love he deserves? Is he really not that important?

It's been 2 years since NamJoon left but none of them came. None, and to admit the truth, it hurts. It feels like his heart was being ripped out from his body and no matter how hard he tries to scream for help, he can't.

Besides, if he did, he knows that no one is willing to help him but watch him in pain. The same as they did, watching him painlessly crying that night. The night where he was... No, he needs to get that memory out of him. He has to. He really has to. But why can't it fade? He questioned himself. Why can't he forget all of the bad memories and remember all the happy moments? It was the opposite. His happy moments were being erased and left him with the memories he didn't even wish to happen.

He finally stops his long leg after walking without a break. He was facing the old sakura tree that held millions of happy moments with his loved ones. It was beautiful. How he always wishes to be held again by his Jeon JungKook. The man he loves and cherishes so much. Jeon JungKook, only says that name once and people knows that Jeon JungKook belongs to one and only Kim NamJoon. They were inseparable. He then smiles rewinding back to the beginning of their friendship that held millions meaning behind it. Their love as a best friend is nothing like a friend but more than that. They were just to blind to see until one day where the strong muscular bunny, who look so tough and stubborn became so shy and with those red flushed cheeks, NamJoon knew that he was the only one that can make Jeon JungKook down on his knees. Their love is funny but wonderful like living in a world full of fantasies just, their love was real.

Flashback 6 years ago.

It was 6 am in the morning, birds singing a soft chirp along with the sound of rain droplets from roofs that were starting to get itself dry. Usually, people would get up with a noise of hens cocking but this, it was different. Something about the peaceful atmosphere makes them awake with a wide smile spread on each face. You can see how the sun starts to rise from it's hiding place. How the surroundings looking so red and orange and how beautiful the thin fog floating, covering every glasses that you have to wipe it off if you want to see outside. Every street lamp being turned off one by one. It indeed is a beautiful sight to see

Stores' sign was being turned around presenting its small font of 'open'. By the time of 7.30, students and adults coming out from each of their houses, fully dressed in their attire. From afar, you can see that it looks like a group of ants, walking together.

Those who keep on going in and out of the cafe to get their breakfast especially the students since it was the only cafe that opens at 6 in the morning. And along the crowded of students, sat a bunny teeth guy all by himself beside the window, who was playing with the hem of his shirt as sweats starting to drip down his face, his throat was dry but it doesn't make sense cause it's his forth glasses of water and still he's thirsty. He looks so anxious. It was the day where he needed to get his feelings out, not caring if the person he loves rejecting him. Even it might hurts but they can still remain friends, right?

Sounds crazy but he has this kind of confidence that it will go smoothly. Or he was just hoping? He didn't know but all he prays was that he won't get out of the cafe heartbroken. What he just realizes that he was trynna make a confession in the early morning. Man, he sure is really impatient.


The doorbell rang capture JungKook's eyes as he looks up, stands there the person he loves, smiling brightly to him. JungKook feels that he was watching an angel fall from the sky. In slow motion, he walks towards the latter, showing JungKook his illegal dimple. He was breathtaking. The way he wore his big round glass and when every time he strokes his purple hair backward made JungKook more speechless. How does he look so magnificent in that simple casual clothes? Big pink sweater, ripped knee denim jeans matching with some white converse. He's so beautiful more than the words how JungKook describes the day. It was more than that

"JungKook?" The latter called as he saw how distracted the younger.

"Hyung, you came," JungKook said,

"Of course, I would come for you dummy." He giggled, letting his ass down on the chair, in front of JungKook.

JungKook on the other side was dying of happiness when his Hyung said that. He was crying in the inside. He's so lucky to have NamJoon. All he has to do now was confessing to the older in front of him. He took a deep breath,

"Hyung, you must be wondering why I asked you to come here early in the morning, right?"

"Well, I am but I'm here now to hear your explanation as to why you ask me to come here to our special place. Is something wrong? I mean, you always come here with me when you needed someone to share things with. Are you okay?"

JungKook chuckled, "Hyung, it's just that..."


JungKook's face became serious, swallowing a big gulp of his own saliva.

"Hyung, I like you"


Yeah, I know it wasn't as I expected either but yeah, there you go. The first chapter of I'm Sorry.

Sorry, I know I have other books to finish but I really can't wait to write this book. I have been planning it over a month and it finally published. I'm sad and happy uwuu...

Enjoy, Thank you for reading this book. I really appreciate it💜✨

Your Author, Jkey💜

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