Chapter 3

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And with that Freddy leave Foxy alone in Pirate cove.. (The Next night) Cierra was show Her cousin Lilian look Freddy's Fazbear's pizza.. (Lilian Pow) I smile follow my cousin Cierra around The Place she work at, but then I notice animatronic robot's on stage, one was a Chicken, the second one was Bunny and the last one was Bear. As Cierra said Oh let me tell you my friend name, and she was near the chicken and said this is Chica, and she walk over to the bunny as she said and is Bonnie, and then she went to the bear "and is this Freddy" she said.. And I smile as my cousin Cierra continue show me around.. (Freddy Pow) I was happy to see Lilian again it been so long since I last seen her..

(Flashback 10 years ago) I was walk around the place when I hear cry underneath the stage, as I went to check it out to find little girl cry underneath the stage, as I knee down and said hey there what your name?. And she slowly stop cry and said my name is Lilian.. I smile and said well Lilian is pretty name and my name is Freddy. She smile and come out from underneath the stage and hug me as she said Thank you Freddy.

I look at her cute face and Thought (oh she so cute but why she would be underneath the stage for) and then I hear angry voice said Oh here you little brat, as I see tall man come toward the little girl and me as he grab her by the hair and then slap her face make her cry, and I realized why she was hide underneath the stage to hide from him, as he pull out knife and he was about to hurt her,

and then I grab him and said hello my name Freddy and if you her hurt you PAY WITH YOUR LIFE!!!! And with that he run away scared, as she quickly hug me and said thank you Freddy for save me, as she climb up my body and kiss my cheek, and I blushed and said Y-Your Welcome, after that she come back

every Night to see me, but one day on her 6 birthday year 1968, I got her small present and she look sad for some reason as I walk up to her and said Lilian what wrong it your Birthday today you should be happy, and she said Freddy after my birthday party is over Mother and me are move away some far and I won't got to see you anymore, as she started cry.. I was shock this the last time I see Lilian and I said then we should spend time now to make great memory together, and she slowly smile,

(After few hour) me and her play,talk and other thing until her Mother call say it was time to leave, as she about to leave I said hey Lilian here I got you present, as she open it and said Oh Freddy it beautiful, it was necklace, and she said I promise I never take it off until we met again Freddy but promise me you never forgot me, and I smile as I said I promise I never forgot you Lilian, and with that she went to her Mother and leave.. (Flashback end)

And I never forgot her and I see Lilian still wear the necklace I gave her, and I smile.. (Foxy Pow) I see Cierra show her cousin, I thought (Oh my Cierra is so Beautiful and I love her) and I decide tonight I going to confess my Love to Cierra, and I slowly smile, think about it as I imagine Cierra say

"Oh Foxy your so handsome and Cool I love you so" I laugh little.. After few min ,Cierra was done show Lilian around the place as I went to her and said Cierra can we hang out together at Pirate cove..

Cierra said Oh sure Foxy and oh and this my cousin Lilian, as I said hello Lilian it very nice to met you my name is Foxy.. Lilian said it very nice to met you too well I leave you two leave, as she leave me and Cierra alone together, as we head for Pirate cove..

(Freddy Pow) I see Lilian sit by herself and I thought
(Wow Lilian you all grow up now and you look very cute) as I slowly smile and I went to her and said Hello Lilian.. And she said Hello Freddy it nice to see you agian it been very long time. Freddy I said So you do remember me!

And she said Course I remember you Freddy after you save me and your my Best friend Freddy, as she smile..

And I thought (Oh I happy Lilian remember me but I not want to be just friend I want to more then that I want to be her special someone in her life maybe even her Love) as I said Ah Yeah Best Friend, as I smile..

(Meanwhile with Foxy) I was with Cierra as I thought ( Okay Foxy now time tell Cierra you love her) and I take deep Breath and said Cierra?

And she said Yes Foxy?. And I said Cierra there something I alway want to tell you but I was to scared
That you might leave me again!
And she said Foxy I never leave you without tell you first.

And I was about to confess my love for her until I see Max who was now the new robot Dog as he sweep up Cierra and quickly carried her away as I hear Cierra say Foxy help!

And I quickly run after him..
(Max Pow) I won't let Foxy kill Cierra like he did to me and shove me into Suit, as I quickly inside the office and locket all the Door and said Cierra not Trust Foxy he Monster!!!

And she said Foxy no monster and who are you? And I said Cierra it me Max I was wait outside for you until Foxy kill me and put inside suit and leave me.
Cierra gasp hear that and said
M-Max is it really you? And I about to say something to her until the doors all open as I hear Foxy voice said OH MAX YOU NOT TAKE CIERRA AWAY FROM ME!!
And I said Cierra run away and Never come up..
And she run out the door..

(Cierra Pow) I was so scared and shock that Foxy kill Max, but then I bump into Foxy as he said Oh Cierra you alright I was so worry that crazy dog did something to you, and I said Foxy that Robot Dog is Max and he said you kill him when he was wait outside for me!!
And Foxy gasp as he said Cierra I did it for you and me so we be together because I Love you! And I said Foxy I leave and I never come up, as I about to head for the front door when sudden hit from back of my head, and I fell on the ground and I pass out.
(The Next Morning) I slowly wake up inside Pirate cove, as I about got up but I quickly I was tie up, and I couldn't scream for help because my mouth was tape up and then I hear someone come in and I see it was Foxy as he said Oh good morning Cierra I hope you sleep well, and he slowly smile at me, and I have to got out of here but how?..

(To Be Continue)

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