Chapter 3

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Unknown pov

I had kept watch outside her house for 2 years just to ease my own mind, in the last year her powers showed up just like our oracle predicted. 'I can't believe I'm mated to a witch of all creatures' that was my reaction and I hated the moon goddess for making it so but when I got to her home and peeked into her window I lost my breath. The fiery red hair vibrant green eyes and a body that could bare many pups, I was hooked instantly but I knew my pack would not except a witch for a luna so I decided to keep my distance and simply keep her safe. I was more infuriated with the moon goddess when I discovered she was the next cruise head witch, the witch all wolves and vampires hunted for centuries 'Why why moon goddess I cannot protect her from all of them and I cannot ask my pack to help because they want her power as well' knowing her death would mean my strength was appealing to my alpha side but appalling to my wolf 'Don't even think about hurting our mate'

I shook my head at my wolf 'I know I would never dream of hurting her, she is precious to me. There will be many who come for her we must keep them away pretend she is our kill it may at least keep them at bay' my wolf nodded in agreement as we sat outside her window quietly watching her dance around her room. 'She is not a very good dancer but very cute for trying' my wolf laughed. While I watched her house I stayed in wolf form and at some point when I had fallen asleep in her backyard she found me, I felt her gently stroking my head "Hello there, you know if my folks see you they'll freak out" I woke to her beautiful smile as she scratched my ears 'oh that feels good' my wolf gave her a wolf smile. I felt a little angry for a moment, she knows she's a head witch she should be more wary of a random wolf in her backyard then again my fur color resembled a husky 'she probably thinks we are a neighbor dog' I told my wolf who took it on himself to roll on his back with his tongue out.

I rolled my eyes 'if the pack saw us like this it would be seen as weak' I scolded, my wolf shrugged 'Let her think we are a dog it will be less weird for us to be guarding her then her knowing what we really are' Sighing I let him act like a dog, the young girl smiled brighter rubbing our belly "I should give you a name since you've been guarding my house so diligently" I perked my ears up at her words 'she knows we've been watching?! How we have stayed so still and made no noise' my wolf laughed and licked her face 'I would like a name since you never named me' he whined.

He completely ignored the question 'naming your wolf is for children you are a part of me and I already have a name' I shook my head at him. The young girl continued to scratch my head as she thought of a name "ok I'll list off a few names and you bark at the one you like. Matteo, Max, Damien, Douglas, Buster, Drake" my wolf barked at the last one 'Really Drake?' I questioned my wolf 'It suits me, plus I like that my mate likes it. Her heart beat fluttered at that name' Scoffing I took over my wolf body for a moment and got close to her sniffing her face and neck, she smelled of lilac and vanilla the scent was so strong I sneezed.

From her smell no other male had been near her so I was happy with that, she giggled at my sniffing 'That tickles Drake, My name is Lavinia I don't know why Im telling you that but its nice to meet you." She held out her hand for me to shake so I tilted my wolf head to the side making it seem like I wasn't sure what to do then dropped my left paw in her hand. 'Lavinia what a pretty name' Drake said as he leaned forward and licked her face a bunch.
Her laugh was so cute and her smile was so beautiful, I knew the moon goddess was right in pairing me with such a wonderful mate I just hoped I could keep her safe.

As time went by I would watch her go to school every morning, then run to greet her when she came home. At one point I scared off a couple rouge werewolves who tried to sneak up on her when she went over a friends house the night she graduated school. Not feeling good about her walking at night I nudged her leg letting her know I would walk with her "Do you want to be my escort Drake?" I barked at her and nudged her leg again. She laughed and started walking again with me staying right next to her. I won't let anything happen to my beautiful mate. Once we got to her friends house she patted my head "ok boy you gotta head back home, my friend Hannah's mom is allergic to dogs otherwise I'd let you stay."

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