Chapter 9

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Unknown POV

I followed my tracking spell for weeks but the target continued to move and elude my magic. It fascinated me that my magic could be detected long enough for the target to move. I sighed driving through the thick Forest just wanting to be done with this job, I was hired by the damn witch council to find their lost witch. She had clearly done the smart thing and ran off cause they had to pull me out of retirement in order to find her. It only meant she clearly has value to them but I'm only getting paid to find and report, that's it. I would have liked to turn the job down but apparently I'm the only warlock left able to cast the locate magic spell successfully since my family created it.

I sighed driving my motor bike around a huge tree before it hit a root and I went flying flat on my face. Thankfully my time bubble made it so nothing around me would have heard anything besides a little blip in the wind. Spitting out a few leaves I looked up to see a gorgeous women picking herbs maybe 25 yards away from me. Her vibrant red hair glistened in the morning sunlight, i stood up and walked over to her. Keeping my distance I watched her, from my view and because of my gift she appeared unmoving. I watched her for hours but for her it's only been a few minutes since she started gathering. I checked my spell and realized she was the lost witch, although I found it odd that she was well kept and seemed quite together.

On a whim I decided to show myself and introduce myself, maybe she would give me some answers. I released my bubble and she immediately looked up at me but she didn't seem shocked she actually grinned. I blinked a moment before I felt something snatch my leg and lift me upside down "Aah Jesus you crazy witch let me down!" She chuckled at me crossing her arms "I've been expecting you Orion, now I'll let you down once you give me some answers cause I can see a lot but not everything." I groaned and through my head back in frustration, how did she know my name am I being set up? "how do you know my name? And expecting me?"

She rolled her eyes "This will be quicker if you hush, yes I was expecting you did you really think I couldn't sense your locator spell on me? The council
Must really want me back if they sent a tracker like you. What did the council tell you about me?" I felt the blood rushing to my head so I answered quickly "that you were a lost witch they wanted to guide" i watched her put her hand over her mouth holding back laughing "That's it? I'm much more than that, I'm the next cruise head witch." My eyes widened in shock, why would the council hide that fact and lie saying she was just a lost witch. I felt my body wanting to shut down "let me down before I vomit witch"

She gave me the stink eye but cut me loose anyway "fine your free go on your way my mates are coming and I'd rather not have them see me with yet another guy." I hit the ground hard and barley understood what she said "Mates? As in more than one?" I got to my feet brushing off twigs and grass and quickly followed her as she walked away. I couldn't help but watch the sway of her hips as she walked and my body lit up wanting to be close to her. I quickly shook the thought when she spoke "will you get those thoughts out of your head your not my type at all, you can tell the council you found me dead or something anything to get them to leave me alone."

I rolled my eyes but I definitely couldn't deny her attractiveness but her attitude and personality not my type either "Don't flatter yourself missy your not my type either, and as for the council I can't just up and lie to them they can detect lies so need another solution." I followed her to her cottage where she turned and pointed "well then you're going to have to come up with something because I'm not going to go back to them they want to wipe out vampires and werewolves for good and I won't help destroy whole species especially when my mates are from each group." I could see the discomfort in her face as she spoke "Each group? You have a warlock mate as well?"

She shrugged her shoulders inviting me in "Yes and something is off about him that I don't like, he sounds like he's just looking for a power boost and to use my body most likely, why am I telling you all this I don't know you nor do you care. Your just doing your job right?" When she through my own complaints at me I felt a bit embarrassed but I didn't let it show and simply responded in a way I could tell would ruffle her up "Yeah so what, it's a job I get paid simple as that" I could see her stiffen up and turn to me pointing "That's it get out shoo before I make you"

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