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"Ha, haha! Hiccup! C'mon!" The bright, warm sun shone down on the cold kingdom of Arendelle. A young girl with light, almost white blonde hair, and blue eyes ran down the snow covered hills leading down to the shoreline of the royal fiord. A smaller girl with brown, auburn hair, and blue eyes, riding on the back of a green eyed brown haired boy followed her closely down the hill, laughing in agreement.

"Elsa! Slow down!" The boy cried, smiling so big his jaw hurt. The small boy was only eleven but his ice wielding friend was twelve, she was the young Princess Elsa of Arendelle. On his back was the Princess Anna of Arendelle, who at the time, was only nine. Young Hiccup slid down the hill, still holding little Anna as they both giggled, the cold snow tickling their peach soft skin. The pale blonde girl looked up at her little sister and her best friend, as they all shared a rousing laugh together, after the rocks of the shoreline sorely broke their falls before falling into the frozen water.

"Els, that was awesome!" Hiccup exclaimed. He ran over to his powered friend and extended a hand to help her up. "Your powers are so cool!" Elsa giggled and took the young Viking's hand.

"Thanks, Hiccup! Although," she looked away from her friend and sighed. "I can't fully control them yet. I'm not fast enough to keep up with you two sometimes." She looked beyond his hair to her sister, who was paying no mind to the twos conversation, and was instead building snowmen and snow castles contently. Hiccup smiled and laughed, turning back to Elsa.

"Yeah, but, don't worry!" The boy took his friends pale hands in his peach ones, causing her to meet his gaze. "I know how strong you are, and, that means I know that, one day, you'll have full control, and everything you create will be just like these days we share!"

The young princess contorted her face in confusion. "Fun?" Hiccup chuckled.





Elsa blushed slightly and smiled up at the boy. Hiccup met her gaze and smiled back. "Right," she said, hand still intertwined with Hiccup's as they joined her sister to start making snowmen, snow angels and snow dragons. "Beautiful."

Hiccup sighed, swinging his leg back and forth off the cliff side he and his blonde best friend sat on, fidgeting with his pen while his loyal dragon played fetch with his prothetic.

"I never thought I'd tell that story again," he said, a hint of sadness in his calm voice. "We spent hours making snow sculptures that day. Snowmen, snow castles, snow angels. Snow dragons! You name it, we made it!" Astrid chuckled. It made her happy seeing her friend smiling, but at what cost?

"I know you miss her," she explained. "We all do. None of us know what happened, Hiccup. Take comfort in knowing you weren't the only one left in the dark."

"But I didn't want anyone to be left in the dark, Astrid! I just," the boy sank back down and sighed, resting his chin on his knee. "I just want to know what happened. Why we stopped going to see them. Why Elsa never wrote me. Did she forget me, Astrid? Did she forget us? Our times together? Our bond?"

Astrid smiled and rested her forehead on Hiccup's shoulder. "No, Hiccup, how could she? That's not it. I know from everything you've told me, that Elsa wouldn't just, shut you out." Hiccup nodded.

"I wanna find her, I just don't know how, or even where to look." With one last sigh, he stood up, hopping over to his Night Fury to retrieve his prosthetic leg.

"So then," Astrid inquired. "What are you going to do? If you can't find her, you can't see her, and you can't mail the letters, what will you do?" Hiccup locked his leg into place and closed his eyes. He stood up straight, looking up at his friend to give his answer. "Simple," he said walking up to the great hall, Toothless close in tow.

"I have to forget her."

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