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"Ground all dragons!"

"What?! Why?"

Hiccup, Astrid and Toothless we're following his father, Stoick the Vast, close down the stairs to the dragon stables. Stoick was rushing through the stables fast, barking orders to Vikings left and right. "No dragon or viking leaves this island until I give the word!"

"What, because some guy you knew is stirring up trouble somewhere miles away?" Hiccup cried, trying to reason with the large man. Stoick took his sons shoulders in his hands and lightly shook him to punctuate his point.

"Because, Drago Bludvist is a madman! Without conscious, or mercy! And if he's built a dragon army? Gods, help us all."

Hiccup stared ahead as his father continued to sort out his organized chaos of Vikings around them. He shook off his confusion and ran in front of the man again. He had an idea that would fix everything. But then, would it?

"Then let's ride back out there," he said calmly. "We'll follow those trappers to Drago, and talk some sense into him."

"No!" Stoick stated firmly. "We fortify the island."

"It's our duty to keep the peace!" The boy pleaded.

"Peace is over, Hiccup!" Stoick cried. He looked his son up and down. "I must prepare you for war." Hiccup was taken aback.

"War?!" Hiccup nearly scoffed. "Dad, Drago is coming for our dragons! We can't wait around for him to get here!" The boy lowered his voice, to show his more calm side once again. "Let's go find him, and change his mind."

Stoick sighed and shook his head at his sons protests. "Oh, some minds won't be changed, Hiccup. Berk is what you need to worry about! A chief protects his own." The powerful chieftain left his son standing still, the last words his father gave echoing in his head. He stared at the ground, deep in thought. He couldn't just ignore what was clearly some other will. Some force that was calling him, telling him to move, move quickly and move now. He looked up, and met eyes with his dragon. Toothless looked his rider in the eyes, clearly in confusion. What's the next step? The dragon was asking through sight. The next step? Hiccup thought. The next step.

Hiccup shook his head. He had to. This was the only option. The only next step. The next right thing.

Astrid saw the wheels turning in her friends head. She always could. She knew what he was doing, and she didn't like it. She quickly rushed to her friend.

"Hiccup, don't!" She pleaded.

Hiccup shook his head. "I have to."

With no more words, Hiccup hopped onto Toothless and was off as swiftly as the conversation had started. Hiccup sighed as he flew off, playing back the conversation with his father in his head. He wished he could've come to an agreement, but he also knew how next to impossible that was to pull off.

Maybe I should've stayed to, talk things out more. He thought. Toothless cooed, almost agreeing with his best friends inner thoughts, as if he could hear them as clear as a bell. "No," Hiccup stated aloud suddenly. Toothless rolled his eyes at his masters stubbornness. "I said what I said, and, I meant it! You know that, don't you bud?" The boy asked. The dragon purred lightly in response, and Hiccup could understand it as if it were clear words to his ears. The boy smiled warmly and pet his friends head. "At least someone believes in me."

"Whoever said anyone didn't?"

Hiccup and his dragon other half turned to see another dragon viking pair following them close behind. Toothless cheerfully purred and Hiccup smiled turning back forward.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2020 ⏰

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