Chapter 39

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A/N: play the song and try not to cry!



Out of all the fucking things I could've said, I mention that I have a girlfriend?! I had a blank expression on my face but inside my head I was going insane.

Elena's face had dropped and she held her breath for a second. She slowly nodded her head, strands of her beautiful brown hair fell in front of her eyes. She took a while to process the shit I'd just said, and so did I.

"Oh" she said, after a long time. I looked down at the ground. Why did I keep breaking her? Yet I'm in love with her? What the fuck was I doing?

She carefully set the bracelet down on the bedside table and swallowed hard. She turned away from me and quickly wiped her eyes. I've never hated myself more.

"That's great!" She said, standing up and coming over to me. She had a smile on her face but it wasn't her normal smile. Her eyes were teary and I just wanted to hug her and tell her I didn't mean it.

"I mean it makes sense" she said, clearing her throat "I mean that's why you said it's best both of us, cause we've both moved on, right?"


"Right" I smiled.

"So, I'm gonna leave" she said, forcing a laugh and pointing towards the door. I didn't know what else to say. I'd officially broken up with her.

"Yeah that's cool" I said quickly "I'll walk you to the front door" I said opening my bedroom door. Nothing was said on the way to the door and an uncomfortable silence settled between us.

Elena put on her jacket and I turned the lock in the door. But she put her hand on mine, signalling for me to wait.

She took a deep breath and looked in my eyes. I hated how I was falling harder for her day by day.

"Does she make you happy?" she whispered. I felt my heart ache, even though I'm sure she was feeling worse.

"Y-yeah" I stammered. I tried to play it cool but she could read me like a book. She nodded and and opened the door. She stepped outside, but turned to face me before leaving.

"I wish you nothing but happiness Kairi, I hope you know that" she said, before walking away.

I watched her walk down the street before closing the door. I leaned on the door and sighed. I was beginning to lose count of how many times I'd broke this girls' heart.


A tear fell from my cheek as I walked back to Mattia's house. How could he have moved on so quickly, and how was he so sure about it? I felt defeated, and just wanted to be in my own house already. I took out my phone to text Mattia.

Me: Hey amor, I think I'm gonna head home, I'm really tired

Mattia❤️: that's cool, I'll pick you up tomorrow for school, did everything go okay with Kairi?

Me: I'll be ready for 8, and I'll explain that to you tomorrow

Mattia❤️: whatever you want babygirl. Goodnight ❤️ 

Me: Goodnight ❤️

I turned my phone off and made it to my house. I was still confused as to how Kairi could've moved on that quick. He really made me feel like I was the only one he could fall in love with. I scoffed as I unlocked my front door. Clearly not.

"Elena, dinners ready for you, now that you're finally home" Mom called. I made my way into the kitchen and looked at the clock.


"Shit" I mumbled.

"Aye watch your tone" said Mom, she was cleaning up the rest of the kitchen.

"I'm sorry Ma, I'm just tired" I said, taking my seat as I started eating.

"We're all tired baby" she said, and she came and sat next to me with her own plate of food.

"Why haven't you eaten yet?" I asked her.

"I was waiting for you honey" she laughed "I wasn't going to let you eat on your own"

I smiled and leaned over to give her a hug.

"I love you Ma"

"I love you too, now tell me what took you so long"

I sighed and looked down at my plate of food. Suddenly, I wasn't so hungry anymore.

"Kairi and I broke up" I said quietly. I didn't want to tell her about Mattia because we weren't official yet. Or at least I didn't think we were. Her face dropped and she held my hand.

"Elena I'm so sorry" she said sadly. But I shook my head and smiled at her.

"No ma, it was for the best" I said, comforting her. "And he's got a girlfriend now, and they're much happier, and that's all that matters"

My mom gave me a vibrant smile "you're so mature mija, I could never be as brave as you"

I smiled back at her and finished up my food.

"Goodnight baby" she said, kissing my head.

"Goodnight Ma" I called out. I made my way upstairs and changed into my nightwear. I slid under the covers and wished Mattia was with me. That's weird, I couldn't get Kairi off my mind all day, yet Mattia was pretty much my last thought of the day.

Maybe I was finally moving on.

A/N: We really hit 2K!!! It's crazy to me how fast we're growing, and it's all down to you guys, so thank you so much for helping me achieve this, 3K on the way💛
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