Bill Denbrough

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"HEY! LEAVE THEM ALONE BITCH!" You screamed from down the hall. Greta looked up at you. "Oh, look who it is." She laughed. "Do you wanna fuck him too little slut?" You stormed up to Greta looking her in the eyes, "we both know that you have slept with more guys than your mother, so why dont you back off." Greta couldnt think of anything to say and left. "W-why would y-y-you do th-that for us?" "Because i think you guys are cool, and no one deserves to be picked on by Greta." You smiled to the stuttering  boy. You saw his beautiful blue-green eyes. You blushed. "W-well t-thanks." You smiled and turned to leave the losers. "H-hey uhh, we w-were p-p-planning to go to t-the quarry t-today after s-school, i-if you w-wanted to c-c-come." "Good to know." You waved and left.

After school that day

You rode your bike to the quarry. Not letting the boys know you were there. You started to strip and without making your presence known you jumped. "WHAT THE FUCK!" The trashmouth yelled. You waved down at them signaling for them to follow. They jumped down, one by one. Bill swam over to you. "I-i didnt t-think you'd come." You laughed. "Why?" Bill just shrugged and smiled. When they all got out you layed out you towel next to Beverly and layed down hoping to tan your pale skin. When you feel multiple pairs of eyes on you, you look up and see the boys staring. You look up and meet Bills eyes. You get up, "Hey, Bill?" "Y-yeah?" "Can i talk to you privately for a moment?" He nodded nervously. You walked into the woods, Bill right behind you. You stoped walking and so did he, you  looked him in the eyes, "Bill, i-i like you." You became a dark shade of crimson. "I, i-i li-like you too" you looked at his soft lips, fuck it. You kisses him. He kissed you back. When the kiss ended, you looked into his eyes, "Y/n?" You were worried now, what if you did something wrong. You were panicking. Bill noticed and cuped your cheek. "Will you be my girlfriend?" You laughed at yourself. "Yes. Yes Bill. I will." You kissed him again, little did you know, Beverly saw the whole transaction. She stormed back to her spot and started to gather her stuff. "Bev? What are you doing?" Ben asked. "Leaving." Richie knew about Bev's crush on Bill. He knew what must have happened. Richie stood up and hugged her, while he did so, you and Bill came back to the group. You didnt want to tell them about your realtionship yet. You just met. You saw Bev with all her stuff. "Hey? You leaving? Uhhh..." "Beverly, and yes im leaving. I have to do a couple things." Bill looked at Beverly with concern. She started to cry but didnt show it and just left. You and the losers club started talking. It was late by the time you were guys were starting to leave. You left shortly after Bill agreeing to meet him at his house. You grabbed your stuff and as you started walking aways from the rest of the group Richie grabbed your arm pulling you aside. "Uhh, hi?" You said confused. "Richie" "y/n. What do you want?" "What did you do with Bill, earlier?" You looked at him, "none of your business Richie." walking away. You got on your bike and rode to Bills house. Richie followed you, not letting himself be seen. You got off your bike and climbed up through Bills window. You kissed him, then flopped down onto his bed. "Y-you can b-b-borrow some c-clothes if you w-want." You smiled and raided his closet. You changed in front of him since your being there was a secret. You couldnt risk being seen by his parents. He stared at you the whole time, you could see something in his pants growing. You blushed. You went over to his door and locked it. He gave you a confused look, "sit down" you said. He did. He went over to him, sitting on his lap, feeling his member rub up against you. You moved your hips a bit shifting around on his lap. He whined. "Why you teasing me?" You turned around, straddling him. You started to grind on him, kissing him. You intertwined your fingers in his hair as he moaned. You pulled off your shirt. Letting Bill's lips travel down your body, leaving mark. You let Bill take your bra off. Bill pushed you off of him, then climbed on you so he was on top. He slammed his lips back onto yours. And then he stopped. He got up and went to go get food. When he came back, you still didnt have tour shirt or bra on. "Uhh, Bill?" "Y-yeah?" "What the fuck?" You stared at him. "You teased me, i teased you. Giving you some food. You put your clothes on feeling a little hurt. Bill kissed you on the cheek. "Bill" "yeah y-y/n?" You jumped on him and cuddled him. He kissed your forehead.

Sorry, this one was a bit rushed at the end, but i needed to end it. 👌

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