Drama Queen

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"What do you mean?" I asked frowning.

"Your father had stated that he wanted me to take care of you" He explained.

So the guardian I was waiting for is him?! Not the plot twist I was expecting.

No shit! That's why it's called a plot twist!

"How?! I don't even know you!" I said standing up feeling a little panicked.

Girl why are you even panicked?

"You're going to know me" He said gently pushing me down on the couch again.

"Do I have to live with you?" I asked but it came off way more bitchy than I intended it to be.

"Yes" He said avoiding my gaze, "I have a big house. You don't have to see me if you don't want to" He said looking a little hurt.

"I didn't mean it like that" I said touching his shoulder hesitantly. "When should I start packing?" I asked smiling a bit.

"You don't have to. I'll buy you everything you need" He said with a bright smile on his face showing off his pearly white teeth.

"No, no. Don't do that" I said smiling politely.

"I want to" He whispered as he took my hands in his.

His hands were big and warm. They were a little rough but I liked the feeling of them.

"You can pack whatever is necessary today and since it's Saturday tomorrow we can go shopping so you can buy everything you need" He said looking excited, "Or I could just give you my card so you can get everything you want"

Woah this guy seems loaded, like how can he trust me with his card?

"No, it's better that we go together so I can get to know you a little"

At this he smiled. A breathtaking smile, he looked like a kid opening up his present for Christmas.

"Yes, of course" He whispered a little distracted staring at my face.

Why is he staring? Is there something on my face?


"What!" Tessa exclaimed standing up. Everyone in the school cafeteria turned to look at her.

Tessa was the epitome of drama. She was the definition of drama queen.

No wonder she's the drama club leader.

"Shut up!" Jane whispered and pulled her back down.

Jane was the nerd. She was a petite feisty blonde with glasses and had just got rid of her braces. She always managed to calm us down.

"You're going to live with that hottie?!" She whisper-yelled.

"It's not like I have a choice!" I told her. "He's my guardian remember?"

"Girl you don't even know him though" Jane said raising an eyebrow.

"You shut up, she may have found her future husband" Tessa argued rather loudly.

"Tessa!" Me and Jane said at the same time shushing her.

"What I'm saying is, you need to keep an open mind" She said smiling.

"But be aware of the dangers too" Jane added.

"Yes, I am aware of the dangers girls, don't worry" I said. "And I know he is hot but he would never see me that way"

"What are you saying?!" Tessa exclaimed once again gaining the attention, "Have you looked at yourself in the mirror?!" She whispered.

"Tessa is right on that one" Jane agreed nodding her head.

"Can we talk about something else?" I sighed tired of the subject. "Tessa, how are things with Leo?" I asked changing the subject.

"We're doing okay" She simply said avoiding my gaze with a sad smile. I knew she didn't mean it.

Tessa was a beautiful girl. With her black hair, big brown eyes and killer body, she could have any guy she wanted, but she was in love with Leo, her boyfriend who was a little too hard to handle.

Leo was two years older than her. He was really secretive and Tessa didn't really like talking about him.

"We're here if you want to talk" I said squeezing her hand. She simply smiled and shook her head.

The bell rang and we all separated and went to our classes.

After school I had to get home and get ready so me and Ares could go shopping. As many times as I told him new things weren't needed, he insisted on buying me stuff and wouldn't take no for an answer.

I had already packed what was necessary and he would come by my house after school to take my bags and we would go shopping after.

I decided to fix my hair a little and I only put on cherry lip balm.

After a few minutes, I heard a knock on my door.

Great timing.

"Hi" I said opening the door.

There he was in all his glory.

"Hello" He whispered as he stared at me.

What's with this guy and staring?

"I have my bags right here" I said but he didn't seem to move an inch. "Earth to Ares?" I said waving my hand in front of him.

"Sorry" He chuckled shaking his head.

"It's okay" I giggled lightly. "You must be tired. Are you sure you want to go?" I asked feeling a little guilty.

"Yes, come on. I'll carry the bags" He said carrying the two huge bags as if they were feathers.

Ooh yeah flex those biceps-

Let me stop there.

He put the bags in the car and I locked the house. Before driving off, I looked at it one last time.

The house of my suffering. When every bad memory was. The house of my nightmares and there I was, leaving it. Leaving all the memories behind. A house haunted by my memories.

The floors have been stained with my blood countless times, I had fallen unconscious on it a thousand times. My head has been banged on these walls and not lightly.

My bed. My pillow. They've been soaked with my tears.

There was an emergency kit behind the cabinet in the bathroom which I used almost everyday to treat my wounds.

Leaving it behind was like taking a weight off my shoulders.

It felt relieving.

I held back a smile thinking of one thing.

I wish I could burn it down.

Her Guardian ✓Where stories live. Discover now