Car Crash

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I walked in the house with a purpose. Everyone looked around but when I shut the door they knew they shouldn't bother me.

I looked around searching for my target and kept walking when I didn't find him. Finally I entered a room and found him talking to two other people.


My eyes were glinting and I couldn't help the sick smirk that took over my face. I walked towards him and grabbed him by the neck as I smashed him on them the wall.

"Didn't I tell you not to communicate with her until I say so?" I growled.

Everyone had gathered in the room now, including Leo and Nate.

"I didn't!" Vincent choked out.

"Then who texted her?"

"I don't know!"

"Don't lie to me!" I snarled and tightened my hold on him.

"I'm not, I didn't text her I swear! Maybe mother did or some other sibling but I didn't" He said. He was becoming blue by now so I let him go.

"Talk to your siblings and your family. Learn who did this" I ordered.

"Yes, boss"

"Be appreciative I would've killed you if it wasn't for her but I won't hesitate to hurt if I feel like you're a threat that has to be eliminated"

He nodded quickly.

"Now go and talk with your family"

"Damn boy, you really showed him huh?" Nate said after Vincent had scurried off.

"It's already a lot that I let him roam around in my base like this. I won't tolerate anything against what I say"

I stayed in my office after that, going through documents and trying to out more pieces together about Serenity's "family".

They weren't her family anymore. I was her family, only me. Even if it wasn't the way I wanted.

I didn't realize how caught up I got until I got a call.


Her sweet worried voice made me smile instantly as always.

"Yes, my baby?"

"When are you coming back? It's really late"

I looked at my watch and almost gasped.

How could I leave her alone for so much time?

I raked my fingers through my hair and sighed.

"I'm sorry babygirl, I'm coming okay? I'll be there in ten"

"Okay" She said quietly and ended the call.

I immediately stood up taking my stuff and got out of my room.

I saw a shadow in the dark. Everyone else was downstairs so I became alert immediately.

"Vincent?" I called out.

"You're going back to her aren't you?" Vincent said.

"That's none of your business"

"I'm sorry for what happened. I wish we hadn't left her but-"

I put my hand on his shoulder, "You don't need to apologize to me. You'll apologize to her when the time comes"

"Thank you" He choked out. He was ready to cry.

"You need to toughen boy. This path you've chosen is too dangerous for sensitive people"

"Yes sir"

I chuckled, "Now I'll be going. Talk to the others and find who tected her if you can. I'll be waiting" I said and left.

Maybe he isn't that bad after all.

But I wouldn't let my guard down.

I got in my car and drove home fast. I was anxious about seeing her. I had missed her a lot.

I noticed two black cars behind me.

They've been there for a while now.

I called Nate and he picked up after the first ring to my luck.

"I need back up"


I told him and hung up before turning on my location so they could track me down. Quite risky but I was already exposed here.

I kept driving slowly and took weird turns to see if I could confuse them but they followed or managed to find me.

After a few minutes I saw our cars. Backup was there, but they had backup too now.

My phone rang.

"He's ready to shoot Ares quick!" I threw my phone and got out my gun quickly opening the window and trying to shoot the cars' tires.

Got one.

My men started shooting too and I concentrated on driving. This couldn't be so simple.

They had managed to shoot my car windows so I got my gun again and aimed at them.

Before I could do anything they shot my arms twice.

"Fuck" I murmured losing control of the wheel for a little and suddenly a car appeared out of nowhere and we crashed. My car was shoved to the side of the road with pretty big force and I felt everything hurt.

The crash was pretty intense and I was lucky that I was conscious, but I had to get out there and fight.

I got out of the car ignoring the pain at the back of my head groaning a little.

But it was too late, all of them were gone.

I saw my men running up to me, Nate sprinting and calling my name.

"Don't move, you're bleeding" He said and tried to approach me.

"Where?" I asked just as everything started to get blurry.

"Everywhere, please please stay awake"

"I'm trying" I said, but I could already feel my body give out.

I can't die, I can't let anything bad happen to my angel. She can't be sad because of me

Stay awake. Stay awake.

But I couldn't.

"Call an ambulance!" Was the last thing I heard before I collapsed

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