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"Ares, chill my guy" Nate told me.

"My dumbass even told her she's mine" I said pinching the bridge of my nose. "Why couldn't I just shut up?"

"Cause you never shut up" Nate commented.

"Nah man, that's you" Leo said chuckling as he scrolled through his phone. Nate threw him a pillow.

"And I left her too! How could I treat her like this? She's probably hurt or angry"

"Then go find her bitch!" Leo said throwing me the pillow.

"And what will I say? Sorry I'm just kind of in love with you?"

"Perfect" Nate chuckled.

"It's not funny!"

"Aight, I'm throwing you out. Go find her" Nate said pushing me of the couch.

"This is my property"

"Dude, go say this to Serenity" Leo said laughing.

"I said it's not funny!"

"And I said go find her, jeez!" Nate said pushing me out the door and shutting it right in front of me.

Great. Thanks a lot assholes.

I drove home again thinking of what to say to her. I didn't want to just brush it off like nothing happened but I didn't know what to say to her.

I told her I love her, but she probably didn't take it the way I wanted her to. I shouldn't have told her, but I couldn't hold it in any longer. My chest was aching to get it out.

When I arrived home I stayed in the car a bit and thought about what I should say to her. I shouldn't have acted like an asshole about it.

It was kind of late so I had some hope that she had fallen asleep. When I walked in, all the lights were turned off and she wasn't jn the living room. Feeling panicked I quickly ran to her room to see her door closed.

I opened it slowly and saw her sleeping soundly on her bed. She had her blue night light on and she was curled up in her bed.

I walked closer and kneeled down to see her face. Her pouted lips were parted and her eyes were gently closed. I pulled back a few hairs that were covering her face.

"I love you so much. I wish you knew. I've loved you for years, but I could never approach you and now that I'm so close to you daily my feelings grow stronger and stronger. Sometimes I can't control it, I feel caged because I can't express what I feel" I whispered knowing she couldn't hear me but deep down I hoped she could.

She hummed in her sleep and moved a little.

"Fuck, I wish I could kiss you"

My lips were itching to kiss hers, but I kissed her forehead instead.

I couldn't sleep that night. I was used to sleeping with her in my arms. My bed felt cold and empty now, I kept tossing and turning and I couldn't find a comfortable position.

I thought about going to her room. If I couldn't sleep, at least I would watch her sleep.

That sounds creepy as fuck. I should stop.

It was Saturday today, which meant Serenity didn't have to go to school, which meant I got to have her all to myself.

It was nine in the morning when I decided to take a shower. After about ten minutes I got out and wrapped a towel around my waist. I opened the door to go to my room.

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