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I felt panic rise in me as I heard her say that. My hands gripped the wheel so tight that I saw my knuckles turning white.

What does she want to ask?

"What is it?" I asked not able to wait longer. I was in panic wondering if it was something good or bad.

"You're twenty two. Why are you okay with about having a responsibility like this? Guys your age don't want responsibilities"

I laughed.

I wish she knew. I wish she knew what she meant to me and how happy I was to be her guardian. Yes, it wasn't what I wanted to be for her, but it was better than nothing and a way to constantly see her.

She didn't know I adored her with every piece of me and I didn't want to scare her away. I wish she knew. I wish I could hold her, kiss her, touch her, but I would wait and wait till she was comfortable with me.

The possibility of never having her as mine was scary and I didn't want to think about it.

"Serenity" I started not knowing how to put it into words without sounding like a creep, "If it was any other girl, I wouldn't be so happy about it" I revealed.

I wanted to let her know she was special to me.

"I'm happy about being your guardian Serenity, I love it actually. You're such a beautiful, smart and precious girl" I stopped myself knowing that if I kept going I would scare her, "I have an unexplainable need to protect you from everything and make you happy. I don't know why"

She sat there gaping. I had parked the car and had my full attention on her now. She seemed shocked and I even noticed her eyes turning glossy.

"Thank you" She whispered.

"Don't thank me"

I should thank you for being with me.

I got out of the car and ran to open her door. I took her hand in mine and helped her get out but the moment she was on her feet she pressed her little body against mine and wrapped her arms around my torso.

Fuck she's so sweet. And soft. And she smells better than any perfume I've ever known.

I embraced her tightly feeling her melt into my arms.

Can we stay like this? Forever?

But unfortunately all good things come to an end and she pulled away.

"No one's ever been this nice to me, you're the sweetest person I know and I'm not used to it, I'm sorry-"

"Hey hey don't cry sweetheart" I said letting the nickname slip out of my mouth hoping she didn't really hear it. "No tears please" I told her wiping her tears off.

I absolutely hate seeing her sad.

"I'm sorry-"

"You've nothing to be sorry about, whatever you need I'm here. Anything"

But this seemed to only make her cry harder as a sob escaped her. I cursed myself and panicked.

How do I make her happy now?!

"No, no, please smile for me. Don't be sad now" I said cupping her face.

"They're happy tears silly" She said smiling through her tears.


"How about we go get some food now huh? To cheer you up?"

She nodded and I locked the car and took her hand in mine walking next to her.

Her Guardian ✓Where stories live. Discover now