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I was barely able to breathe. I felt so anxious to know what was going on and see if Ares was okay.

I was in a house I'd never seen before. It was well hidden, somewhere that you wouldn't expect a mansion to be. There were many people in the house, only men and it was huge.

Nate and Leo left me in the living room and went somewhere else when we arrived but I didn't look for them as I didn't want to risk getting lost.

Though after a few minutes I felt my stomach turn and my throat getting clogged. I was desperate to know something, so I decided to look for them.

I walked around the house sometimes bumping into people. I went upstairs and walked in the hallway stopping when I saw a half opened door. Every other door was closed.

I looked around and when I saw no one was around I entered the room.

The room was an office and what I noticed was that it smelled like him. It had that cool clean scent. The furniture was made out of dark wood but looked really sleek.

What caught my attention was the bookcases behind the big desk. They were filled with files, envelopes and folders. I was curious to know what they contained.

I walked to the desk and traced it with my fingers. There were papers on it and a laptop. The owner of this place had to be really hard working and I was about sure that person was Ares.

I heard voices outside and panicked as I had to hide. They couldn't see me in here. I went under the desk and tried to stay still.

"Nate, you don't get it. I can't track him down that easily. Wherever he is, there's nothing i can grab onto so I can find out the location" I heard Leo's voice.

They were in the room now so I tried to reduce my breathing as much as I could.

"Leo, we must find him" Nate said. "Did you notice Vincent missing? Maybe he knows something"

Vincent? Who was that?

The name didn't really bring back good memories. One of my brothers was names Vincent.

"Nate I think he's the one behind this. There's no other explanation. When we were hiding from them he just left without an explanation. He was either taken or followed them by his own will"

There was a pause.

"He called Serenity and then texted us to pick her up. He vanished afterwards, he must have followed them by his own will" Nate said.

"Vincent vanished as well just before Ares left"

"We need to find that son of a bitch"

"I'll try to work on it, you tell the others" Leo said and then I heard them walking away.

What do they mean? Is he in danger? And who in the heck is Vincent?

I began to stress out but i couldn't believe was lost. I wanted to have hope that he would appear.

I got out from under the desk and peeked to see if there was anyone in here. Of course there wasn't so I stood up.

I looked down fixing my clothes, that's when my eye caught a half opened drawer. Curious as ever, I opened it and gasped when I saw what was in there.

There were photos of me in there. I took them in my hands going through them. There were so many even from when I was only fourteen.

Has he been really watching over me all that time? Should I be creeped out?

He'd told me that he kept an eye on me but not that he kept such a close eye on me.

It was cute but really creepy on the other hand.

Who is he anyway?

I put them away and decided to leave the room.

When I went back to the living room Nate was looking for me.

"Where have you been?"

"I was looking for the bathroom"

"Ah it's-"

"No worries I found it" I smiled "So where's Ares?" I asked. He maintained his calm smile.

"We don't really know but he can't be that far" He chuckled. "Don't worry, he's a big boy. He can handle a few stuff"

"I just miss him" I admitted.

"Aww don't worry we'll find him" He smiled reassuringly.

I just hope we find him on time.

Time passed. A few days passed and he was nowhere to be found. I slept in his old room. It was really simple, but his bed was really comfy. The boys told me he used to sleep here before he became my guardian.

I missed him a lot. I missed his cuddles and his kisses and his sweet words.

I sat on the bed hugging one of his old jackets I found in the closet. I wanted to cry. I didn't know if he was safe, he wasn't here with me and I needed him here. I needed him to tell me it's all okay.

Leo was busy looking for Ares and Nate would usually keep me company and try to cheer me up.

I got up and left the room going to the kitchen for a glass of water.

That's when I heard them walking. I was getting good at it.

"Are you serious?" Nate asked Leo.

"Yes I told you. I know where he is"

"Damn Leo you really are a tech freak"

"Shut up. We'll need a lot of backup"

"What about Serenity?" Nate asked

"We'll leave men to keep her safe. We have to save him"

No I didn't want them. I wanted Ares.

"When?" Nate asked.

"We make a plan today and attack tomorrow. We don't have a lot of time"

Why? Why don't they have time? What's going to happen?

"Should we tell Serenity?" Leo asked.

Don't even think about hiding it.

"Yes. She'll start asking questions and she deserves to know"

That's why I like Nate. As a friend of course.

I was alert for the rest of the day. I had to know their plan. I had to find out more in order to be sure Ares would come back home.

So when I saw them gathering in Ares' office I knew they were going to make a plan. I stood behind the door and listened carefully.

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