Pt 5

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(Alexander's perspective)
Alexander knows he can't tell Washington. "You had a mental breakdown, son" Washington gives him that look, he hates that look, the look that says 'that wasn't a request' he just hated it. Alexander took in a deep breath then sighed."I-well - I was-when I was around 17 or so I lived in St Croix. There was a hurricane and - it - it was prodigious, the water the waves the wind were substantial I - I -"why was he telling him this, will he ever be able to keep his mouth shut.
"Oh Alexander I'm so so sorry to hear that"

(Washington perspective)
"I-I it was horrifying" Hamilton began to cry again. "Alexander shh shh shh" there was a moment of silence.
Then Alexander quietly spoke up and said" so many people died it was traumatizing" I quickly tell him "hey it's alright shh, come here" is Alexander is so hesitant and frightened. Stalling his footsteps mimicking the grandfather clock from across the room. then he is face-to-face with his Alexander. Alexander was used to isolation, he could tell because of Alexander's position hugging himself. It broke his heart to see his Alexander like this. He had put his hand on his dear Alexander shoulder who flinched violently enough to shake the building. "son" Hamilton was tense, really tense. Alexander looked up once again. But this time, didn't avoid eye contact. His Alexander was terrified. "sir please don't hurt me sir". His poor poor Alexander "I would never ever do that son, why would you think such a thing"?
the boy assuming to get beat brought a shiver down Washington spine.(Alexander perspective)

Was it just him or did it sound like Washington wasn't going to beat him?
No Washington will end up like father. He was getting closer to Hamilton oh, he's going to get hurt.
Hamilton tenses up even more
and-a hug? "I will never hurt you ever, okay? You need to understand just how much I care for you son" Hamilton un Tenses , to be honest he felt comfort in the hug he received. But then he breaks out of the hug and asks "okay ... But..?" "What is it son"
"why would you care so much for someone who has mental breakdowns when there's a storm, why care for a... Bastard orphan like me"I sigh "what do you want with a screw up from nowhere"?

(Washington perspective)
Washington knew that whoever made his boy think this he would TALK to himself. (washingdad is washing mad) "Alexander-" Washington didn't know if he could comfort Hamilton with only words. Then Hamilton's, his dear dear boys eyes water as Alexander looks at the ground. "No - no - don't say that. I don't care about where you came from or your parentage,I don't care about your jeans, I care about you, not the things you can't control"(who lives who dies who tells your story...heh sorry)
"I care about you son, I don't care if you have some problems with storms. I just want to help" then I open my arms for a hug. Hamilton look down sheepishly and leaned into the soon to be hug. Then Hamilton broke the silence and said "th-thanks da - sir I'm so sor-" Washington cut him off to say "it's alright son" Washington smiled down at Hamilton. Hamilton was embarrassed, but then said "th-thank you so much Dad" ever since that Hamilton would go to Washington when there was a storm. Washington was happy to see his boy so open to telling him of his feelings.


They all lived happily ever after the end
Hope you all liked it


sorry if I had some spelling errors


thank you for reading

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