Prince Alexander (2)

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So, today was, well, different, I guess. Not by much, but different nevertheless. The new maid came in, and that was about it. She was mostly silent, apart from an occasional scream. Other than she didn't talk. At all. She just clean, and then was bored for a couple of hours. I think she was just scared, but it could have also been that she was told to be quiet. Who started telling Lillas that they had to be quiet? I mean, is that really necessary? There not even that loud! There not loud at all! So why must they be silent?! Someone needs to explain that. Well, that solved the mystery of the silence, but what about the screaming? I don't think I gave her a reason to scream. Did I? Maybe it was something else. Like... I have no idea. I give up. I give up on life. The end. Pleasure doing business with you. Goodbye.

Well, it was totally probably definitely the spider under the nightstand that made her scream. That was a big dang spider. I eventually got it into a jar and then outside, but my first method of getting it to move was far less effective and incredibly stupid: I poked the spider with my finger and told it to move. It bit me, but I'm sure it will be fine. It's probably not poisonous. Oh, well. I guess I'll find out.

I did realize this: whether she was told to follow stupid made up rules or if the spider was her main motive for silence, I still definitely scared her. And that definitely makes sense for several valid reasons, so I tried to come up with ways to be less scary, and I came up with nothing that I have not already done while attempting to make today less boring. I won't have to worry about the boring thing tomorrow, though, because today was one of the very few "lazy" days (that's just what I call them) that we have. Tomorrow, I should probably focus on not stepping on her, especially considering that I could barely do that today. I normally don't have to worry about that. I haven't had a maid in, like, two years, and no Lillas come up here. They just avoid me altogether, which, to be fair, makes sense, but they avoid me more than they avoid my brother, and he's way worse about... doing something than I am. I'm not going into detail about what the something is, but there's like, two things it could be, so I shouldn't have to anyway. That thing is very messed up and that's all I'm going to say. Well, tomorrow, she has to follow me around for some reason I don't remember AFTER she cleans the room, so I figured I'd make a small mess so she has an excuse to be a little late. I put a jar of pens on the floor and knocked it over, then put about six back inside the overturned jar. The pens seemed like they would be a little heavy to her. Then I found some Lilla coins in a drawer and put them in the mess, so she would find them. It was the least I could do. And don't question why I have Lilla coins, because I don't know. I don't even know how I got them. They're so small. After that, I tried to sleep, but I was too busy wondering how terrifying I am to Lillas. This was not good because I had to fence against Andrew tomorrow, and he's pretty good. He'd actually be better than be if I was more muscular, ironically. But, lucky for me, I weigh less than he does, so I can move faster and jump higher. I just can't get tackled or put into a hold, otherwise he will definitely win. And he's kind-of cocky when he wins, so I should probably sleep so no one has to ender that after I lose because I'm tired.

Still can't sleep. Eventually I got poppy seed dust out of a cabinet and used that. It worked. I probably should have been in bed when I used it so I didn't collapse on the floor, but it's fine. I usually get up before someone has to wake me up anyway, so hopefully that happens and I don't freak someone out from being unconscious on the floor when they walk in. Fun.

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