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Trigger Warning- Suicide mention, slight gore(?)

The Bakusquad looked up at Bakugou as he entered the room, shocked they'd all made it downstairs before he had. They were even more shocked when they saw he had an emotion on his face other than anger.

"Uh, good morning Bakugou." Sero said tentatively, trying not to anger the blonde.

"Yeah, yeah, good morning extras." He muttered, sitting down at their table to eat his cereal. He didn't yell?! All four of them thought, still in shock. That's when Kirishima noticed the bandage around his palm.

"Hey Bakubro, what happened to your hand? You okay dude?"

"I'm fucking fine Shitty Hair. Just leave me alone. All of you dumbasses, just leave me alone today." His "calm" voice was even scarier than his usual yelling. Everyone could tell that he really meant it. Most of them decided to drop the subject, but Kiri became worried about the blonde. I'll talk to him alone after classes today, He decided before continuing to eat his breakfast.

At a different table, Tsu, Iida, and Uraraka were chatting. "Hey, whaddya think is going on with Bakugou? He seems less angry today, kero." Tsu said, pointing out the weird behavior.

"I don't know, but something must have happened if he's not yelling at those four." Uraraka replied, looking up from her food.

"Whatever it is, we should not pry! He may be a nuisance, but we must respect him as our classmate!" Iida said, waving his arms around like always.

"Whatever you say Class Rep, anyway, we should start heading to class, I don't want to risk being late!" Iida and Uraraka nodded and all three left the building to go to class. Before they could reach the building though, a small green-haired boy wearing very tinted sunglasses came up to them.

"Hi! You three are in the hero course right? I'm Midoriya Izuku from General Studies and I was wondering if I could ask what it's like being taught by All Might? I know you're probably annoyed with everyone asking you that, but he's always been a huge inspiration of mine and- I'm rambling again. Sorry! I tend to do that sometimes." Deku laughed nervously, easily slipping back into his old character.

"Oh, it's not a problem, I think it's cute that you're so interested! Well, it's pretty cool being taught by the number one hero. He has so many stories he tells us to help us learn, and he makes sure all of us learn and grow from our mistakes!" Uraraka said excitedly.

"Yes, he is a wonderful teacher, but I'm afraid we really need to get going to class, and you should too if you don't want to be late." Iida said, grabbing Tsu and Uraraka, dragging them along as he sped down the path. Heh, got all three of them analyzed. They didn't even notice the glow coming from behind the glasses. Deku cracked a smile that quickly vanished as he heard more people coming his way. He turned and saw Bakugou in the group.

He turned his face away from them and pretended to head back to the General Studies building. Bakugou stopped when he saw the mess of green hair and turned to look. The boy glanced over his shoulder for only a second, but that was enough time for him to recognize Deku's hair.

"Deku!" He roared, about to run after him.

"Bakugou!" Kiri yelled as Sero shot out his tape and restrained him. He stopped struggling quickly, just staring at the retreating figure of who he thought to be his old friend. Kiri hardened his arm and cut the tape. As soon as he did so, Bakugou collapsed to his knees. "Hey, you guys go on ahead. If we're late tell Aizawa it was an emergency. I'm gonna make sure he's okay." Mina, Sero, and Kaminari nodded before taking off towards the school.

"Hey Bakugou, are you okay? If you need to talk about anything, I'm here. Why did you try running after that General Studies kid?" Kiri sat down in front of Bakugou, who was staring at the ground. When he looked up, there were tears shining in his eyes that didn't match the expression he wore.

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