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"Hey it's your turn. Come with me," Sansa, a cat-headed police officer, told Izuku,  grabbing him by the arm and taking him to be interrogated.

Most of the league had been imprisoned with each other, but he'd been put in a small holding cell by himself. Honestly, Izuku was quite happy about that. He didn't think that the others would have taken to him too kindly if they'd seen him right when they'd woken up.

He was shoved into a room and saw a familiar face. It was the detective that had interrogated him before, Tsukauchi Naomasa. Upon seeing the man, Izuku felt a severe increase in guilt. He knew this man had been close to All Might, and he was the main reason the hero was dead.

"Hello Midoriya, I hope you're healing alright," Tsukauchi said, eyeing the bandages on his body. "Now, Sansa, I ask that you leave for this interrogation."

"I can't just leave you alone with him!"

"Oh yes, it's far too dangerous. I'm a quirkless teenager that is in restraints. How threatening."

"Watch it Midoriya, you're not off the hook yet. But Sansa, I do need you to leave. I'll be fine."

Sansa opened his mouth to protest again, but resigned himself to a sigh and a pointed glare at Izuku. Once he was gone, Tsukauchi turned his attention back to the boy.

"I'm sorry," Izuku blurted out before he could say anything, "I'm so so sorry. For everything. I-I did such awful things, and-and I-"

"I know you're sorry Midoriya. I don't want an apology, I want your story. The other villains haven't been the most cooperative."

"Um, before I do, how much do you know about All Might and All for One?"

"Everything. I know all about the history of the quirk One for All."

"Okay. I just-I guess it doesn't really matter anymore, but- you get the point. Um, do you want me to start from the beginning-beginning or...?"

"Tell me everything you deem important."

"Right. I, uh, Shigaraki and Kurogiri found me in the river after I attempted to kill myself. Shigaraki didn't want to save me, but Kurogiri convinced him. They found my notebook with detailed analyses of heroes and decided to keep me. At first I refused, but they stuck me with some sort of syringe. I think it was a product of one of All for One's quirks. It altered my memories and made me angrier at the heroes and society. After two months, Shouto ran away from home. I was sent to find and recruit him to the league.

"We were really close, and did pull a few petty crimes. Then there was the USJ, where I got captured. You know all about that. And Shouto probably told you about the in between too. I- I did terrible things to him. And- and when we kidnapped Kacchan, I did even worse things to him. The worst part was that I was starting to remember at that point, but I refused to accept them. I developed an alter-ego of my real memories, but I didn't accept them as so until the Yakuza battle.

"Overhaul didn't like me, I fucking hated him. He looked down on me because of my age and nickname, so he assigned me to basically just babysit, which was his downfall. Eri saved me from myself. She was able to bring my two personas closer. When I found Lemillion while on an outing with her, my Izuku self was very present.

"When the heroes first attacked, I became muddled. My Deku and Izuku memories clashed, and when I saw Shin fire that bullet purposefully at Eri so Lemillion had to block it, I acted without thinking. When the bullet hit me, it took away all of my quirks, but it also took away some of the effects of All for One's quirk on me. Lemillion gave me One for All to fight Overhaul, and I gave it back. At least, I definitely tried to and I'm pretty sure I did.

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