Mini chapter #3

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This one is a flashback to a little bit after Shouto joined the league. I just wanna write something fluffy ;~;

Todoroki sat on his bed, thinking about nothing in particular. He and Deku had gotten really close over the past month or so, but he didn't really trust any of the other villains yet.

"Hey Todoroki!" A voice broke into his thoughts. He looked up to see his friend slipping into his room.

"Oh, hello Deku."

"How do you like the league so far?"

"It's... better than with my father, so it's good, I guess."

"I know it's probably hard being cooped up in here. It gets kinda boring sometimes."

"I suppose? That seemed random."

"Shut up I'm bad at transitions! Anyway~ Shiggy was sending me out to see if I could scout any hero fights and I convinced him to let you come!"

"Really? Won't people recognize me?"

"Well you'll wear a disguise obviously. We're just gonna walk around in crowded areas and scout for heroes, maybe pick up some food and stuff. What do you say?"

"It would be nice to get out of here for a bit."

"Great! Put this stuff on and we'll leave in a few minutes."

Five minutes later two teenage boys with hoods and masks on slipped out of the seemingly abandoned bar. The taller one had on sunglasses as well.

They wandered through the crowds of people, their appearances normalized by those with mutant quirks. After maybe fifteen minutes, there was a commotion and people started screaming. Deku and Todoroki pushes their way through the crowd to get eyes on whatever fight was happening.

A villain with a mutant quirk that seemingly made him share attributes with a rabbit was running from Kamui Woods. He had a bag slung over his shoulders, presumably filled with money, and it was making his movements lopsided. They were headed directly towards the two teens.

Deku was so absorbed in watching Kamui's fighting style and writing it down that he didn't notice the villain that had spotted him as an easy target. Todoroki realized too late what was happening and the villain snatched Deku away from him, a gun pointed at his head.

"Come any closer and this kid gets it!" The pro stopped, not knowing exactly what to do. He was still relatively new at this.

Damnit... I can't draw attention to myself, but Deku can't do much while being held at gunpoint. Why isn't he doing anything? Just send out some branches to capture him or something.

"L-let me go." Deku said, acting scared. He looked at Todoroki and winked, looking down at his hand. He gestured to the bag of money, and then started counting down from five.

As he put down the last finger, he wrenched out of the villain's grasp and dropped into a crouch, allowing Todoroki to quickly jump in to land a punch to his face and knock the gun out of his hands. Kamui raced forward and shot out his branches, which wrapped around the villain and immobilized him.

"Thank you for helping me take him down, but that was very dangerous, are you alright?" He asked, turning to the two "civilians" and only seeing one.

"Oh I'm fine. You know, it's kinda funny how two teenagers were able to take the guy down while you struggled to catch up to him using your fancy quirk. Anyway, I gotta go, my family will worry." Deku started running into the crowd, turning to shout over his shoulder, "and thanks for the cash!"

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