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Trigger Warning: Suicide mention, homophobia(use of the word f***ot)

*The first day back at school after internships ended*

Everyone sat with their friends, sharing internship stories. Iida sat by himself in the corner, not wanting to talk to anyone. Uraraka and Tsu had tried talking to him, knowing that he ran into the Hero Killer, but he shrugged them off. He fiddled nervously with his tie, waiting for Aizawa to enter the room.

He had requested to talk to him and All Might alone. Eventually the bell rang and Eraserhead entered the room, beckoning Iida to come with him. Present Mic was left in charge of the classroom.

Aizawa pulled Iida into a small conference room where All Might and another man sat waiting. The number one hero stood when they entered. "Young Iida, I understand that you requested only me and Aizawa, but I've brought along Detective Tsukauchi because I believe this has to do with the Stain incident and we want to make sure you're telling the truth."

Iida breathes a sigh of relief, sliding into a chair. "That's fine. He said he trusted him if it was necessary."

"He? Who is he Iida?"

"Well..." he launched into the explanation, not leaving out a single detail. "... and then he disappeared. I haven't the slightest clue why he did what he did, but I believe he is on our side."

"That certainly is interesting. The league messing with a young boy's memories to keep him loyal is sickening enough, but using it as a threat for another is on an entirely different level." All Might said grimly.

"Iida, thank you for telling us this, but keeping important information like this from the pros is dangerous. I don't care what Shouto Todoroki said about Endeavor, he is a villain and can't be trusted," Aizawa paused with a sigh, "but I believe you did the right thing. We'll take this into our own hands now, go back to class and don't tell anyone what happened here."

Iida nodded and left the room quickly, trying to forget everything that had happened but failing miserably. Did I do the right thing? He let out a sigh before entering the class, drawing everyone's eyes. "Okay kids, I know Iida just came back but let's focus on English!"

*Back with the villains, the day after Stain's attack*

I need to talk to Tochan, but he's been so damn busy with the new villains trying to join us. Maybe I should just talk to Shou... he probably has a reasonable explanation for what he did. Then again, he's betraying us. I have to tell Tochan. Deku thought, swirling his drink as he sat at the bar. Shigaraki came and sat next to him.

"Deku, there are two new members coming to join us today, and I want you to greet them and analyze their quirks. I've already met them, and they seem trustworthy enough, just make sure they don't start anything."

"Okay Tochan! Um, I actually need to talk to you about something. I was on top of that roof like you asked me to be and I saw Stain about to kill one of the UA students, but before he did Shouto came out of the shadows and saved him. He gave him a message for the heroes, something about messing with my memories and stalling you to give the heroes more time? I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation, but I just-"

"Deku. You're trying to protect a traitor. I gave him a second chance, but of course he had to go throw it away." Shigaraki cut him off.

"W-wait! Second chance? Don't go too hard on him Tochan, I'm sure he's just not thinking straight!"

"Deku, he's betraying us to the heroes! Don't you care about us? Kurogiri and I are your family! We saved you after you attempted suicide." With that word, Deku's eyes went blank and unseeing. Kurogiri, who had been listening in on the conversation, rushed over and grabbed the boy before he passed out. Tomura... what happened to you?

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