This Is Me {Pt 2}

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Picture of Josh (: ---->

 I woke up four hours later in the nearest hospital. I opened my eyes as slowly as possible, as the light was far too bright to take in all at once. I lay there, feeling the tube in my arm move as my arm did, I grimaced. I loathed tubes being stuck in me. I tended to freak doctors out. Especially with the fever I was generally running. I heard a conversation, consisting of a woman and a man out in the hall, I instantly recognized Josh's voice as the male voice, and guessed that the female was my doctor.

"I'm really not happy with her temperature Joshua, it seems far too high." I sighed as I checked the machine which showed my temperature. "60 degrees, is not a good temperature for any normal human being to be running." My head snapped towards the door. She had me figured out. I had to get out of here. "I'm perfectly happy with letting her go home, but you have to try and keep her temperature down OK? You can take her home when she wakes up. I'll phone you later to check your progress."

"Ok mum. No problem. I'll talk to you later." I heard his wonderfully smooth voice say, laced with regret, worry, and what seemed like a slight disliking towards the woman he had just called mother. I saw her silloutte move away from the window in the door. And smiled as Josh walked into the room looking down at his feet trying to make sure that he didn't make too much noise or trip over himself. I frowned as he looked up and I noticed his eyes were red and puffy.

"You've been crying." I said, sitting up to pat my bed.

"Don't be silly. Of course I haven't. It's... hay-fever?" He sat down on the edge of the bed, and I put my hand on the side of his face smiling.

"It's November dumbass." I grinned.

"OK so I've been crying, problem with that!?" He snapped at me. I recoiled my hand quickly and pulled my knees up to my chest. "I'm sorry" he sighed "I'm just not used to people who can figure me out like you can."

"Is that a bad thing?" I looked at him nervously. He smiled widely.

"Not at all, I'll just have to be careful what I do from now on. Don't want you figuring me out before I do. Anyway. Time to take you home beautiful." I raised an eyebrow, but dismissed his comment.

3 hours later we were dancing around the house to Paramore on the massive sound system that went around the entire house. I started to sing into my hairbrush as a way of entertaining him so that he didn't leave my side for a little while longer. I stopped singing as soon as I looked at him. He had a strange look on his face.

"What??" I asked, getting anxious.

"You're amazing! An amazing singer!! I'll be right back!" He ran out of the room, pulling his phone out of his pocket as he went. I smiled a little, confused as to why he needed his phone. I shrugged, and carried on dancing round my room singing along. Around ten minutes later he came back into the room, talking to somebody on his phone.

"Yes! One second OK?" He covered the phone with his hand and looked up at me "Is it OK if I invite some people round tonight?"

"Are they gonna eat me?" I looked at him with a serious expression on my face.


"I'm joking." I said grinning "Of course you can."

"She said you can come over." He grinned down the phone. "Yeah, I'll sort something out." I raised my eyebrow again and looked at him.

"So who's coming over? And what are you sorting out?" I asked, trying to sound as if I wasn't really that bothered.

"Oh, my band. And they maybe sort of wanna hear you sing. And to see if you'd maybe like to be in the band." He smiled sheepishly at me as he hung up the phone. I dropped my eyebrow and grinned at him.

"I'd love to be in your band Josh." I hugged him. "Now I just have to convince the others... MAKEOVER TIME!" I grinned widely, let go of Josh and ran to my closet. I searched for a while, then found the perfect outfit. A pair of black skinny jeans, with a pair of black knee high Doc Martens, and a black tank top that showed off my cleavage perfectly. Not too much, and not too little. I was thin, sure, and my boobs were a just the right size for my frame. And I was lacking an ass. Two hours later I was dressed, made up, and ready to perform for Josh's band. Fourteen minutes past 5pm and I was opening the door to a group of three very good looking guys that turned out to be Lucas, Tommy, and Jake. Josh's band-mates. I smiled at them. "Hey guys, come on in." I said in a perfect impression of a calm voice. Inside I was screaming at myself to run and hide in my closet. But this was a perfect opportunity to be with Josh for more hours of the day.

An hour and 12 minutes later, my audition was over, and we had ordered pizza. I rang the hairdresser to tell her that the party was cancelled, so there was no point in her son coming over. When really, I simply couldn't be bothered to deal with a guy who thought he was God's gift to women. Plus, I had been "flirting" non stop with the three other boys, trying to make Josh jealous. It wasn't working though. He'd merely laughed it off when Lucas flirted back for real. We ate our pizza, and watched two movies. Donnie Darko, and some stupid horror movie spoof. Josh had chosen Donnie Darko, and I had grinned like a loon, telling him that it was my favourite film. At 11:57pm, the others decided it was time to go. So we said our goodbyes, and Lucas kissed me sloppily and wetly on the cheek as he said goodbye, and called me beautiful. We'd all been drinking. Only Josh hadn't been. He was the 'responsible' one. Tommy grinned at me widely.

"I'll see you soon ok? Oh, lovely to meet you, and welcome to the band." That night was one of the best of many nights I had with those boys. I closed the door behind them and locked it, turning round to see Josh stood right behind me, I jumped a little. I hadn't been expecting that. I looked up at his face, smiling a little.

"I got in." I beamed at him.

"You did it." He beamed straight back at me. I stood on my tiptoes, so tempted to kiss him, but then hugged him tight instead. "You know, I think you should be careful flirting with Lucas, he has a bit of a rep as a ladies man. I don't want you to get hurt." He whispered quietly into the top of my head and I could feel the frown on his face. I smiled into his chest.

"Don't worry Joshy, it's not him I'm in to. It's somebody else." I mumbled, trying to hug him closer.

"Well, that's good, I'm glad." I felt his frown change rather quickly into a smile.

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