This Is Me {Pt 5}

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Tommy & Jake (Yes, they're twins) ---->

Tuesday today. Two days to go until the first performance. And today we had to dress up to go to uni. I was definitely excited about dressing up. I had my costume ready and waiting, hung up in my closet. It was a short black dress, with a kind of tutu-like skirt, and a pair of cat ears on a headband. I grinned to myself. This was the first time I'd ever dressed up as a teenager. I did my make-up slowly, being sure to make both of my eyes symmetrically dark with liquid eyeliner that flicked at the side. I pulled my dress on and then padded into my bathroom and drew on some whiskers and a nose. I then put my cat ears on top of my head, slipped my socks on and grabbed my shoes from the closet. I had decided to go for a pair of black heeled boots that went up to just above my ankles. I ran downstairs to the kitchen and snatched the coco-pops from the cupboard and was in the process of pouring the milk on them when a pair of hands blocked my vision.

"Guess who?" Came a voice that I had come to know well.

"Tommy move your hands sweetie you're gonna mess up my make-up." I frowned, putting down the milk and turning to face him. He looked my face over a couple of times then smiled.

"Meoww" He grinned and then ran away as soon as he saw that glint in my eyes that meant I was about to throw something at him. He settled himself on the counter on the opposite end of the kitchen. "So, I just decided. I'm going to call you kitty from now on." He said grinning. I simply rolled my eyes and ate a spoonful of my coco-pops. "You look good as a kitty. We should make you dress up more often!" With that, I launched a bowl at him, glaring as it missed and smashed on against the wall as he ran out laughing maniacally. I put down my almost finished bowl of cereal, sighing, I cleared up the broken pieces of ceramic bowl and threw them in the trash. With that, I pulled on my boots and drove myself to uni. Stupid Josh was at his sisters for a few days.

My alarm blared at me from next to my foot. It was now officially Thursday. The day of the first performance. I hadn't slept at all last night. I was far too nervous. As a result I had actually taken an incredibly long bath, painted both my finger and toe nails black, dyed my hair dark brown, almost black, and had picked out the outfit I was going to wear to perform in. I had also straightened my hair completely, so that it was now brushing against my very bottom ribs. I tended to do that when I was anxious. Completely change at least one thing about myself. More often than not it was my hair. I had had every color hair under the sun. It was impossible to keep track. I paced around my room in one of Josh's shirts and some underwear on my bottom half. I looked at myself in the mirror, and smiled slightly. I was impressed. I could look OK if I put my mind to it. The only problem not sleeping and being anxious last night was that Luca had stayed over. So I had been trying to avoid stepping on her all night as I paced. Luca and I had become incredibly close friends in a short length of time. But it was nice. Having a girl in my class who didn't hate me because I got to live with Josh. I'd only recently learned that nearly every one of the girls in my class had a crush on Josh. Which annoyed me. I did too. But he'd never shown any interest in any of the girls. Including me when it came to romantic stuff. Which had me seriously debating if he was gay. I padded downstairs as quietly as possible trying not to wake anybody up. As I reached the bottom stair I came face to face with Tommy. I grinned widely.

"TOMMYBEAR!!!!!" I yelled grinning like a loon. I did my best impression of an innocent face. Then I pounced on him, knocking him to the floor and landing on top of him. We both started laughing hysterically as we noticed Jake come in and look at us with a perplexed expression on his face. "We were.... totally..... making out!" I said between laughs. Jake just rolled his eyes and went back to Josh's room. I guess the boys must have stayed there last night. I was quite proud that I could now tell the difference between Tommy and Jake. It had taken me up until Monday just gone to be able to tell though. Tommy was a few inches taller, and had now grown his hair out a little, just to make it easier for me to tell. (Grin.) He was nice like that. Plus. Jake didn't seem to like me very much. He had been alright at the beginning. But as soon as I had starting getting close to Tommy and Josh than to him, he just completely switched. Not that it bothered me anymore. I had gotten used to it. I realised that I was still sat on top of Tommy and smiled, standing up and helping him to his feet.

"Jesus Kitty. You just can't help yourself anymore can you?" He winked and shot me his mega-watt lopsided grin. I hated when he did that. It made me want to pounce on him in an entirely different way. I, admittedly, had a crush developing on Tommy. Not that I'd ever admit that to anybody. EVER. Especially since him and Luca were now together. It was good for them. They were so ridiculously happy together it made me want to get myself a boyfriend that would want to get married one day. Luca had hated it when Tommy flirted with me, but after we'd explained that that was just how our relationship with each other was, she had calmed down a little about it. She still didn't like it, but she wasn't as harsh on him as she used to be.

"Yeah, totally in love with you aren't I?" I smiled back at him. "Anyways, I gotta get ready for uni. might just put on some shorts. I don't wanna ruin my dress for tonight." I said quietly and ran to the mail box, grabbed what was inside it and sorted through to see what was for me and what wasn't. Nothing was for me. So I simply put the letters on the ever growing pile of mail that was for my mom. I ran back upstairs to my bedroom and put on a bra and some shorts. I kept Josh's t-shirt on and put my black converse on. I grabbed my cell phone quickly and text Luca.

Hey hun any chance you can possibly drive me to uni today?? <3

Already in the kitchen. Cya in a few xxxx

I smiled. Thank God for that. I picked up the shoes for that night and the dress bag that held my outfit. I could feel the nerves kicking in already.

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