This Is Me {Pt 4}

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Luca ---->

As I plopped down onto my seat in music class I groaned in pain. Josh and I had been in a particularly harsh 'play' fight which had resulted in me getting bruises all over my body. I glowered at Josh as he walked in unscathed by our fight. That boy really did baffle me. He never seemed to bruise, and I was insanely jealous of that as I tended to bruise just by being poked. On a lighter note. I hadn't heard anything by the way of Alex lately. Which was definitely a good sign. Stupid conscience. Yes that's right. My conscience went AWOL. A rather alarming amount of the time. Sometimes he pops up, and has fantastically genius moments. Other times, he just wants to be evil. Anyway, back to the real world of university. Josh was now sat next to me staring at the front of the class room. I followed his gaze lazily, and frowned. Stood there was a girl. She looked incredibly nervous, as though she thought we were all about to bite her head off if she spoke.

"She's pretty..." I heard Josh mumble to nobody in particular. I nodded in agreement. The girl was at least 5 foot 10, slender, and had long curly blonde hair. As Logan gave her introduction I was distracted by my iPod and laid my head on my arms listening to the soothing tones of Iwan Rheon's guitar and voice. I had let Josh put music onto my iPod. I wasn't impressed with most of the selection, but this Iwan guy was good. I looked up again as I felt the chair next to me scrape backward and somebody sit on it. It was the new girl. Typical. I sighed internally and put on my best smile and turned to introduce myself.

"Hey there I'm Harley, this is Julie." I grinned gesturing first towards myself then at Josh. I knew that'd tick him off a bit. "What's your name? I wasn't listening to Logan if I'm perfectly honest..." I frowned a little, hoping he hadn't said anything important.

"I'm Luca" She smiled widely showing a set of perfect white teeth "Julie huh? That's an odd name for a boy." She was looking straight past me at Josh. I sighed, audibly this time, and put my head back on my arms.

"Well my name's actually Josh, Harley's just mad at me for beating her in the game last night and for not practising with her." He gushed. I saw her smile at him and flick her blonde hair behind her shoulder and turn to the front as Logan started speaking again. I took my earphone out and sat up, starting to pay attention. He had that weird look on his face again. Which basically meant 'Shut up, pay attention, and don't piss me off today.'

"Right guys, I have some good news about the fund raiser. Due to popular demand, we've added another night to the performances." My eyes widened. How was this good news!? "And also, there will be a representative from THE biggest record label in the world. SunStream Record Industries." I heard squeals from every girl inside the classroom except myself, my eyes just got wider and I buried my face in my hands. This was NOT good! SunStream had some of the best bands in the world signed to them! I started to calm down a little as I realized what I'd just thought. They only sign the best they can find. So I therefore don't stand a chance at winning a contract with them. So who the hell cares what they think? I'm going to perform. And I'm going to sing my little heart out until my lungs burst.

That night it had transpired that Josh had invited Luca over. So we all sat on the sofa in the drinking room playing shot roulette. God that was a fun game with sambuca. Every time we didn't get the number right, we had to play truth or dare. It was absolutely hilarious! By the end of the night we had learnt that I was the only virgin there, Luca and Josh having both lost theirs at the mere age of 16! Luca had been brought up in Australia, then moved here only a few weeks ago. And that... Was all I could remember the next afternoon when I woke up, in a tangled mass of arms and legs that I figured out, a few moments later, were in-fact mine and Luca's. Josh was nowhere in sight. I untangled myself from Luca and padded slowly to where I vaguely remembered that the kitchen was. I pushed the door to the kitchen. It didn't move. I pushed it again, and again, and again. Until I remembered it was a pull door. I growled a few obscenities at myself under my breath and walked into the kitchen to find Josh stood in-front of the stove. Cooking. In nought but his boxers and an apron. He was singing happily along to the radio and dancing as he flipped some pancakes. I sniffed and grinned. Chocolate chip. My absolute favourite! As i sniffed, he turned, a look of pure terror on his face as he saw me. I smiled sheepishly back at him. Surely I wasn't that scary looking in the morning? His look of terror melted away as I sat on the stool next to the breakfast bar. My head was hurting, albeit not as much as last time I had gotten drunk. I looked up at him as he placed a plate of pancakes in front of me and smiled.

"Thanks Josh. How'd you know they're my favourite?" I asked as I stabbed my fork into a stack of 6 thick pancakes covered with syrup.

"You blagged a lot of stuff last night. A LOT of stuff..." He answered, smiling, watching me eat my pancakes. "Hey, the fund-raiser's on Thursday. You know what you're gonna do for your solo piece yet?" I shook my head. I was useless at deciding things. I'd probably end up just picking a song I thought described my feelings that night. I was looking forward to the number our entire class was doing though. Admittedly there was only around fifteen of us in the class. But that made it even better. "Fair enough, I'm just glad Lucas decided what the band was gonna do. I quite like that song."

"What? When did he choose a song?" I asked, panic stricken. How was I supposed to learn this in a week!? God I hoped it was a song that I knew.

"Shit, he said he'd text you, we decided to do We'll Be A Dream by We The Kings." He smiled down at me. Stupid tall boy. Just because I'm a measly 5 foot 6 and he's a ridiculous 6 foot 3. I sighed, relieved. It was one of my favourite songs. I definitely knew the girl parts like the back of my hand. So. One song down. One to go.

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