This Is Me {Pt 3}

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Picture Of Logan (: ---->

As I was woken up on Monday morning by my alarm clock beeping loudly at me from my bedside cabinet, my first day of university was staring me right in my face. I felt half dead already. I had drank far too much the night before. I guessed that this is what it was like to be hungover. My head was pounding a rhythm that was hurting. I stumbled across my room into the ensuite bathroom that was waiting for me with a nice hot shower and toothpaste and makeup that would hide the bags that were underneath my eyes. I stripped down, and climbed in the shower, taking the time to wash myself several times over so that I stopped smelling like alcohol. I doubted that turning up to your first day of university smelling like rum, vodka and beer was a good idea. I got out of the shower and dried myself off, towel drying my hair so that it would dry in its natural loose curls. Straightening only my bangs. I dressed myself in a baby blue tank top and black skinny jeans with my blue converse and my black over the shoulder "Nightmare Before Christmas" bag.

An hour and a half later Josh and I were sat at a table in our homeroom with the entire class singing a song called 'She Left Me' by Go:Audio. We abruptly stopped singing as our tutor came in the room. He was 6 foot 4 inches tall with dark brown hair and bright blue eyes. He looked no older than 25. He smiled widely at us.

"I'm Professor Armstrong. But you guys can call me Logan. I hope you lot have prepared for today. You're going to perform for the rest of the class, solo." I grimaced at him. Me and solo didn't go very well hand in hand. But I had to deal with it. So I manned up.

"Logan? Sir?" I said, confidently. "I'd like to go first, but I'd like to sing with somebody first. I get stage fright."

"Ok... Harlequin?"

"Harley." I corrected him with a slight glare on my face.

"Ok then Harley, take your pick of your classmates. You have two minutes." He smiled and went to his desk to start writing down how our performances went. I looked at Josh, and he nodded and smiled.

"Ok, Logan, me and Josh are going to sing a song called Two Is Better Than One by Boys Like Girls and Taylor Swift." I smiled as Josh picked up a guitar and started to play the beginning of the song.

10 minutes later and me and Josh were sat at our table being grinned at by Logan. Me and Josh were apparently his new favourite students. Josh had sang a song by Muse called Time Is Running Out for his solo piece. And I had sang a song by Demi Lovato called Me, Myself And Time. I was staring at the piano for the entire day. I hadn't played the piano since I was 10.

"Ok class, almost time to go home, and so you know, I'm organizing a fundraising concert for December. And all of you will be expected to perform at least one song, or musical piece." Logan said as he organized his desk and put everything straight. We all stared at him in dibelief. That was only a few weeks away. How the hell were we supposed to prepare anything in that tiny amount of time?!? As I sat in the passenger seat of Josh's car on the way back to the house, I stared out of the window, thinking hard on what I could possibly do for my song at the fundraiser.

It had been 4 weeks since I'd gotten to England now. Me and Josh were becoming firm friends fast. You rarely found one of us without the other. We'd even taken to sleeping in the same bed whenever my mother was away. She may be a modern woman in a lot of ways, but sharing a bed before you're married? Massive no-no in her opinion. With only two weeks to go untill the winter fundraiser. Every member of class was ridiculously stressed. Especially since Logan had revealed that there was going to be representatives from at least 8 major record labels from around the world there. Josh and I had already sorted out being able to perform with the band for at least one of our own songs. and Josh and I were going to do solo pieces aswell.

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