A Goodbye and a Welcome

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"Come in Kakashi" Kakashi walked in and bowed "Hokage sama" he said respectfully and Lady Tsunade sighed "Enough with the formalities" she leaned forward, getting a cheeky grin "I want you to infiltrate the Akatsuki".
Lady Tsunade began to get worried, brows creasing slightly "Well?" She said briskly, honestly she could just order him to go, but she felt she owed him the decision.

    Kakashi blinked "Sorry what were you saying?" Tsunade mentally face palmed, "Kakashi please listen to me when I'm speaking" she scolded him like a child, Kakashi met her eyes, he looked cold, and serious but also totally out of it "What's gotten into you Kakashi?"

"Today was the day I lost someone very dear to me" Tsunade didn't know much of Kakashi's past, no one knew much, she bowed her head

"Think about it, visit me tomorrow when your feeling more yourself?" Kakashi nodded in thanks, and disappeared, leaving the Hokage anxious for an answer.

"Hey Obito" Kakashi stood in front of the KIA stone, Kakashi was familiar with every angle of the stone, he spent most of his free time there,

he placed down a bundle of white lilies. He felt empty. The flowers were beautiful, a brilliant white but fading more into a warm cream the closer they got to the center, there petals were so delicate, yet so...stunning.

Kakashi rubbed his eyes. He was tired of loss. Honestly he was tired and numb to everything, especially today, the only light in his life were his students, and he was supposed to support them! Not the other way around, he was so weak.

And to think he might be leaving those students to infiltrate the Akatsuki.

Why did you give your life for mine Obito? I don't deserve to be breathing the air you should be breathing, stealing the ground you would walk upon, talking to the people you should talk with. I fail, and everything just breaks apart in my hands, My father, You, Rin, Minato, Kushina, the leaf village.

Kakashi stared at the sky, it was getting dark, soon the stars would come, and maybe he wouldn't feel so alone.

"Sensei?" He turned around, feeling stiff, he had been here for the better part of the day "Yes Naruto?" The trickster didn't have the usual mischief in his eyes, he seemed...lonely "Come sit here Naruto" Kakashi sat and patted the ground next to him, immediately Naruto was smiling.

This is your son Minato, he looks so much like you it hurts, and he acts so much like Obito and Kushina.

"This is the KIA stone, a stone that honors fallen ninja, it's important to remember those who sacrificed themselves for the village, so that the will of fire could go on" Naruto smiles peacefully

"You're here a lot aren't you Sensei?" He was more perceptive then he let on "Yes, Naruto, yes I am."

Kakashi was silent for a moment it was so peaceful, if anyone hurts you like my comrades were hurt, I swear Naruto, I will tear them to shreds

"I-I might be gone for awhile, keep it quiet, but I'm on a mission, no matter how you feel you can't tell anyone I left because of a mission, not even Lady Tsunade I wanted to tell you so you know,

I am not abandoning you guys...and I care for you all but keep it quiet alright Naruto?" after all, he was going to the Akatsuki and if more than a small handful of people knew, they too would know. Naruto hesitated than nodded eyes trusting "I promise, and I always keep my word".

"Lady Hokage, I am ready to depart" Tsunade nodded "Be cautious, they are elite ninja for a reason, I picked you because you also happen to be an elite, and good at schooling your emotions as well"

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