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Kakashi's POV
I dropped to the ground, hands behind my back, neck tilted up, I felt the kunai tremour beneath my throat. I had seen the broken look in his eyes, I had given him that look, and in turn it broke me. Obito was alive he was my idol, but he was scarred figuratively and literally and it was all my fault.

I waited for it to end.

What happened next shocked me so much I forgot how to breath, Obito kissed me. He kissed me, soft and gentle at first. I let my hands find his face, his scarred cheek, I'm so sorry Obito, and, almost on impulse I kiss him back because can you blame me?

He drops the Kunai and it clatters to the floor, forgotten. He runs his hands through my hair, I don't know why but he seems to have an obsession with it...

He's kissing me.

Obito is kissing me.

And I'm kissing him back. How did this happen? How did two men, both who have done so many wrongs, find a way to love, and not even just that but to love each other as well... I pull back placing a hand on his chest and breath "Obito what-"

"I'm sorry Kakashi" he whispers now he looks scared mortified, his cheeks are flushing and he's not meeting my eyes, he hasn't changed all that much, I can't help but smile "For what almost killing me than kissing me?" He nods not meeting my eyes.

"Look at me Obito" he still doesn't, I gently reach for his chin and tilt it up, we are intoxicatingly close, I can hear his heart beating hard, he's nervous and afraid, his eyes meet mine and I smile. "You have nothing to apologize for" he openes his mouth in protest and I shut him up with a kiss.

I don't deserve him, after everything I've done after I've hurt him so much, but I don't want to leave him. My mind is so conflicted it feels like its ripping in two. I thought you were dead, you were alive, all this time, is Rin alive?

Some foolish part of me wishes she were, but I know she's dead, because I killed her. Sure Obito's a little different but so am I.

I sit down and Face Obito, he faces me, his orange twisted mask in his hand, he's fiddling with the straps. "So...what does this mean?" I ask and he clenches his jaw turning away "I-I don't know" that's okay I don't know either.

"You're alive." I state blandly and he lets out a hoarse chuckle "Yeah, surprised?"
"Very...I'm glad though" I reach forward and squeeze his hand, he looks surprised, he's never been good at hiding his emotions now I realize why he wears that ridiculous mask.

"How-How did you?" My voice is creaking like an old door that needs to be oiled, Obito looks at me with something broken in his eyes, it hurts to see a look like that on someone I care for so much. a friend heh

"I was crushed, when I woke I was still alive, and in a cave, someone healed me, and I couldn't wait to see you and Rin again" I wince, this is all my fault, I ruined him, just like I ruin everything. "I heard you guys were in danger so I rushed off to help you..." his voice softens as he goes on.

My hand warm with blood tingling with electricity and power

and than Rin, mouth bloody eyes wide, reflecting the harsh light of the chidori.

"K-a-k-ashi" she sputtered.

No, not Rin, I pulled my hand back, she staggered, as she fell. She barely made a sound, she just fell, I couldn't breath I couldn't cope, everything was suddenly so very real. And it broke me. I collpased. My brain shutting down, I couldn't-

The last thing I saw was something charging out of the woods. And Rin's cold dead eyes.

"I rushed out to help you- I was so happy to think that I could be useful for once. But I was too late" he scoffs bitterly and I feel my heart shatter "I am so, so sorry Obito" I murmur again "I will never stop being sorry" his eyes meet mine, fierce and angry- they're beautiful in their own way, one eye has the rinnagen which I'll ask about later...

"I know" he says and he takes a little breath "Why did you kill her?"
"I offer no excuses it was solely my fault"
"D-did she say anything?"
"What?" He's so desperate for information, "We were on a mission after we rescued Rin, and she asked me to kill her-"
"And you did" said Obito, deadpan and angry I narrow my eyes "No, of course I said no" he looks a bit surprised. I'm a little mad..."We got attacked and I was desperate to protect her, I promised Obito-you after all, and she was my teammate I loved her-Like a sister Don't get me wrong" I say at his slightly jealous look.

"She jumped in front of my Chidori, I was horrified, I passed out, and a figure ran from the woods, now I would assume it was you."

" was me."

Obito POV
It wasn't his fault...not entirely anyway, Rin had jumped in front of his Chidori, what was she thinking? I wish she were alive so much so I could ask her, even though I wish I could blame it all on Kakashi I know I can't. I know I need to let go and forgive him, and move on, become friends again...or something more. Given how we made out for about 30 minutes.

"I was wondering who it was...But I was a little preoccupied" He can't help it this is all so crazy, I chuckle, what starts as a chuckle than turns into a full on belly laugh, Kakashi smiles and laughs with me softly, he's so perfect, and I cant even hate him anymore.

Damn it!

"Kakashi- I- I forgive you it wasn't your fault...All this time I don't know what I thought, that you were a cold blooded murder? Honestly I don't know I was just torn up with grief and-"
"It is my fault" he says frowning slightly

Great he has a hero complex.

"No, Kakashi It wasn't your fault, and if I'm saying that you really know that's true" he sniffles slightly and it's too cute. I think I love him. That alone is enough to send me into panic mode but instead I just smile. He's always messing up my life.

Sorry for the late (By two days) update!!! Thanks for reading
don't own Naruto or pic
cya peeps!!

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