Madara Uchiha

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Obito POV
Obito couldn't look Kakashi in the eyes, without seeing how broken he had looked that day. And that same day, I promised I would kill him. I am so messed up, when did everything become so complicated.

I promised I would come back to Konoha with you-

I love you

But this is a cruel world, and I'm making it better, would Kakashi agree with my mission? Why do I even care? Madara Uchiha gave it to me, and I'm not supposed to tell anyone and Tobi's a good boy says a sarcastic voice in my head.

I'm far from good. "Obito?" I look up and give a strained smile to Kakashi "Hey Kakashi"
"Are you alright?"
"Yeah, Yeah of course, I'm sorry if I was worrying you"
"Your not talking as much, I don't see you as often and you and Deidara aren't constantly trying to kill each other, even Deidara is worried "

I crack a smile at that, even Deidara is worried, I must be acting really weird for that to happen. "I'm sorry" I say and pull him down and kiss him, he kisses me back but we both feel something wrong with it, I pull down his mask hoping something will change-

Nothing. It's like kissing a fleeting memory, I'm to worried it'll fly away, and he, he's worried, I can tell by the way his mouth (now exposed) tilts downward slightly into a pout. "I'm okay Kakashi" I'm okay.

Kakashi's POV
I'm worried about Obito so I do the single most stupid thing I can think of- I decide to tail him everywhere.

Congratulations Kakashi being around Obito makes you as dumb as a boulder (Bad pun...sorry) but I trust my gut feeling, the feeling that something isn't right. I love him and he's not okay...I swear if someone is threatening him...

So far nothing much has happened, he's "Comforted" Deidara, yelled at Itachi, helped Hidan steal Kakuzu's money and avoided Sasori. He's watched a shark movie with Kisame and chased Zetsu around for a while pretending to eat him...even though that's Zetsu's job.

And finally just as I was about to get bored out of my mind, give up and read Icha Icha he stalked out of the Akatsuki HeadQuarters. I followed him, obviously, as he hastily walked into the forest.

I trained as an ANBU for years so if their was one thing I excelled at it was tailing people without them noticing. I could sneak up on even a kage level ninja and they would most likely not notice, Obito finally got to a cave, he paused took a breath, than walked inside, He seemed stressed.

I followed him after a few moments careful to stay hidden- He walked up to a figure hidden in shadow, I could vaguely see his outline, longish spiky hair and old fashion armor, styled like what the leaf wore when the first and second hokage were still around-

Obito bowed his head slightly "Obito..." the voice whispered he sounded ancient and evil, "Yes- hello"
"Is something troubling you- Have you failed the plan in some way...Is the Hatake posing a problem because remember what I said..."

"Yes I know!" He said quickly. My heart was thundering in my chest I needed to see who this man was...He had a menacing aura and chakra.

I crept closer. I couldn't see him from here, who was he? "The plan isn't failing- Kakashi isn't causing to many problems besides getting suspicious, Don't worry Madara I won't fail."

Did he say...? Madara. As in Madara Uchiha...Who is supposed to be dead. "Remember if the Hatake causes to much of a problem you have to kill him"
"I know! I will!" I felt a sting of betrayal that would bud over time, but for now I realized, I had to leave the Akatsuki.

my mission was done, I had to return to the Leaf and warn them, that Madara was alive. And he and Obito were coming.

Obito's POV
"I know I will!" I shout- I'm feeling so frustrated, how- why does he want me to kill Kakashi? "Why- why do You want me to kill Kakashi?!" I finally blurt out frustrated "Didn't he kill Rin?"
"It was an accident" Madara smiles, I can tell because of the gleam of his teeth.

"Did he tell you that?" I hesitate, yes, he told me that but what reason-why would he lie, after all he picked me over his team, he stayed here instead of Konoha "Kakashi didn't kill Rin, he loves me and he proved it by staying with me here."

The laugh Madara gives me is bone chilling "Are you sure he stayed here my darling naive Obito?"
"Yes- Of course, I talked with him just this morning" I narrow my eyes at him, he looks...smug "Did it feel distant at all?"

"Yes but its just because I've been stressed lately because this mission is a difficult one."
"Hn. I must be mistaken than..." he sighs.

"Mistaken about what?"
"He's a spy Obito, he doesn't actually love you, who could actually love you, your a man who was broken when he was but a child, and you've done terrible things, yes for the better good but someone like Kakashi well..." Madara heaved a heavy sigh "Just go back to your 'lover' Obito I need rest"

I'm deeply unsettled and hurt, I suppose its true but Kakashi wasn't using me was he? No he didn't leave, he's here with me. I run back to the Akatsuki hideout, I've been gone for a suspiciously long time, the first person I plow into is Kakuzu and Hidan, arguing.

"Have you seen Kakashi?" I ask Hidan smirks "he ran to your room" I quickly head that way, I need to apologize for being so distant, I run into the room.

His bed is made neatly, his things gone, his Akatsuki cloak folded neatly on his bed, and on it,a note, addressed to me, I am shaking suddenly clammy, I reach out and open the crisp plain white paper;

Dear Obito,
    I love you- It's never to late to come back
                    - Kakashi

And with only 13 short brief words he has torn my heart out a second time.

No one's POV
Madara smiled slightly as her talked to Obito, he could sense the Copy nin, he could sense the Hatake leave- run off, this was just too perfect.

Poor Obito would be heartbroken.

He was going to make it so that Obito and Kakashi ripped each other apart.

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