War is costly

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Kakashi's POV
Pein and the Akatsuki have attacked the village, the heartbreaking thing about this is- they all greeted me quiet kindly when they saw me, Itachi nodded which means hi, how ya doin'

Kisame smiled all shark toothy and said "Hi Kakashi long time no see" Deidara said "I'm going to blow your goddamn head off" Hidan corrected him that Jashin was the god, and than said "Hello little fu**er"

Kakuzu ignored me, he seemed tense. But I couldn't find Obito.

He was the only one I wanted to find and I couldn't find him, I started getting this sinking feeling- I felt like I was going to throw up I feel like I made the wrong choice coming back to the village, at the time I had felt so betrayed.

He had said he would be willing to kill me! I had felt so hurt, that I hadn't even thought how he must have felt when I left. He must have seen it as me betraying him again, hurting him again, that's all I can seem to do when it comes to Obito.

And than I found him. He was just standing on the Hokage heads, staring at the battle waging below him, he seemed so peaceful, back facing me, standing at the ledge. "Kakashi"
"Obito." I walked closer to him, he had a strange weapon in his hand, it was white with black spots on it and shaped like a flattened gourd.

"What are you doing up here?" I ask quietly everything suddenly feels so tense, and electric my skin prickles, he finally turns,

His eyes are red. The Sharingan.

He came here to fight.

"What are you doing here Kakashi? Oh of course I forgot- You're filthy scum who betrayed me, what twice now?"

"What are you 'sorry' are you going to tell me you 'love me?'"
"I am sorry and I do love you!"
"Empty words Kakashi! When are these words going to be true? All you do is lie, you lie and you lie and you lie and you break my heart over and over again!" He doesn't deserve this...

"Do you hate me?" I ask- he seems surprised, "Do you no longer love me? Do you hate me? Have you given up?" I'm all of a sudden rageful, love requires some effort for both sides.

I've let Obito throw his pity parties while he thinks I haven't suffered at all! I've tried to repair this relationship, I put so much work in I've apologized for things that aren't even my fault!

" Do. You. Know. How. Hard. It. Is. To. Do. This?" I spit, As I walk forward, his hand tightens on his strange weapon, his knuckles turn white

"You yell at me for betraying you but you've betrayed the leaf- our home. Where we were trained, where Sensei was Hokage, where my father died and the place Rin died for, does her sacrifice mean nothing to you?!"

It hurts to say this- but it also makes me feel so free.

Obito's POV
Kakashi and his filthy empty words, he's all talk but he doesn't know anything, how could he betray me over and over again?! and than he goes off the deep end, next thing I know he's raging, literal sparks are flying from his clenched fists as he strides towards me, as he yells at me and blames me for ruining everything.

And the worst part is, he has a point.

Have I given up? Do I honestly think that our relationship is beyond repair? No you don't, ask him out for some dango you can do it! Shut up voice in my head, my hands tighten on Madara's Gunbai. He said he would be watching me. He had warned me Kakashi would try to tell me he loved me, but in the end he'd betray me.

He didn't tell me it would hurt so much. Kakashi's pain and rage is real, I recognize it well, its something I've seen painted on my face quiet often as well. He's but a few feet away from me, eyes hardened "You have to put in the work in now Obito, its not only up to me- You blame this on me but what have you done to help us ?"

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